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Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities

              HYDROGEOCHEMIST                            Guidance for diversity statements may be found                                   Hiring?
         GEOHYDROLOGY SECTION                            ht t p: //a c a d e m ic a f f a i r s .u c d av i s .e d u /d ive r sit y/
      KANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY                           equity_inclusion. Applications should be submit-                                  Your next employee
  UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS, LAWRENCE                         ted online via the job listing #JPF01496 at https://                                   is out there.
Full-time position to lead KGS hydrogeochemi-   Inquiries may
cal investigations. Faculty-equivalent, sabbatical       be addressed to the Search Committee Chair at                                   )LQG WKRVH TXDOL¿HG JHRVFLHQWLVWV WR ¿OO
-eligible position at Assistant or entry-level Asso-                                                      vacancies. That unique candidate is waiting.
ciate Scientist rank. Requires Ph.D. with emphasis
on aqueous geochemistry related to groundwater              The University of California Davis is an Equal                               Use print issues of GSA Today and GSA’s
resources, and scientific leadership potential.          Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All                                 Geoscience Job Board (web) to reach more
Background in hydrogeochemistry applied to               qualified applicants will receive consideration for                          than 25,000 readers each month. Bundle and
regional-scale groundwater investigations is             employment without regard to race, color, religion,                          save for best pricing options.
desired. The Geohydrology Section has 6 full-time        sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national
professionals with additional support personnel.         origin, disability, age or protected veteran status.                            If you plan to visit with potential candi-
Emphasis on state-of-the-science field studies                                                                                        dates at the GSA 2017 Annual Meeting &
and complementary theoretical research. Complete                                                                                      Exposition in Seattle, Washington, USA,
announcement/application info at www.kgs.ku                                                                                           ask about using the employer’s special sec-
.edu/General/jobs.html. Review of applications                                                                                        tion on the Geoscience Job Board (website;
will begin Sept. 30, 2017. Apply online at http://                                                                                    available mid-July). For fur-
ther information contact Geoff Bohling (geoff@                  Check out the online or Don Whittemore (donwhitt@kgs              Geoscience Job Board for the KU is an EO/AAE,          latest recruitment postings.
The Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
at the University of California Davis seeks appli-
cations for a tenure-track faculty position in the
broad area of Earth-Life Interactions. We seek cre-
ative scientists who study the interactions between
life and surface environments on any spatial and
temporal scale using novel laboratory, field, and/or
computational approaches. We encourage applica-
tions from a diverse range of disciplines including,
but not restricted to, biogeochemistry, geobiology,
and paleoclimatology. We are particularly inter-
ested in applicants who will expand our current
research programs and have the potential to build
new connections both within the department and
across campus, such as with other departments in
the Division of Mathematical and Physical Sci-
ences, the College of Agriculture and Environ-
mental Sciences, College of Biological Sciences,
or the UC Davis Genomics Center. The depart-
ment’s current research programs and experi-
mental, analytical and computational facilities are
described at
   Appointment will be at the Assistant Profes-
sor rank. Candidates must possess a Ph.D. or
equivalent in geoscience or a related field by the
time of appointment. The appointee is expected to
develop and maintain a vigorous externally funded
research program and to teach at the undergradu-
ate and graduate levels. Supervision of graduate
students and departmental, university, and service
to the discipline are expected.
   Candidates should submit a cover letter, CV,
publication list, statements of research plans,
teaching interests, and contributions to diversity,
and contact information of four references by June
15, 2017. Review of applications will begin imme-
diately and will continue until the position is filled.

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