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Exhibitors by Category

    This list is as of press time. Exhibitors may be listed in multiple categories.
See for a current list and live floorplan.

Computer Software                                  GSA Geology and Health Division, Booth 110      Publications, Maps, Films
                                                   GSA Hydrogeology Division, Booth 408
CrystalMaker Software Ltd., Booth 216              GSA International, Booth 108                    American Geophysical Union (AGU), Booth 335
Dino-Lite Scopes, Booth 206                        GSA Karst Division, Booth 623                   Elsevier, Booth 637
The Paleobiology Database, Booth 735               GSA Limnogeology Division, Booth 116            Geological Society, London, Booth 334
                                                   GSA Planetary Division, Booth 120               GSA Bookstore, Booth 31
Environmental                                      GSA Sedimentary Division, Booth 112             IRIS Consortium, Booth 413
                                                                                                   Mineralogical Society of America, Booth 208
American Geophysical Union (AGU), Booth 335        Government Agencies (Federal, State,            Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Booth 731
Center for Applied Isotope Studies, University of  Local, International)                           University of Chicago Press, Booth 435
                                                                                                   Wiley, Booth 443
   Georgia, Booth 511                              DOSECC Exploration Services, Booth 518
DOSECC Exploration Services, Booth 518             EarthScope, Booth 411                           Services (Exploration, Laboratories,
EarthScope, Booth 411                              National Park Service, Booth 223                Consulting, and Others)
Environmental and Engineering Geophysical          National Science Foundation, Booth 410
                                                                                                   Beta Analytic Inc., Booth 431
   Society (EEGS), Booth 510                       Other                                           Center for Applied Isotope Studies, University of
Environmental Isotope Laboratory, Booth 531
Geosciences, University of Massachusetts–          Geological Society of London, Booth 334            Georgia, Booth 511
                                                   Geoscience Information Society (GSIS),          DOSECC Exploration Services, Booth 518
   Amherst, Booth 923                                                                              Environmental Isotope Laboratory, Booth 531
HORIBA Scientific, Booth 313                          Booth 311                                    GeoSep Services, Booth 513
Science is Never Settled, Booth 640                IRIS Consortium, Booth 413                      GNS Science, Booth 541
                                                   Québec City 2018—20th International             UNAVCO Inc., Booth 409
Gems/Mineral Dealers/Jewelry/Gifts
                                                      Sedimentological Congress, Booth 542         Universities/Schools
Crystals Unlimited, Booth 630                      Science is Never Settled, Booth 640
Dino-Lite Scopes, Booth 206                        University of Chicago Press, Booth 435          Center for Applied Isotope Studies, University of
Gems & Crystals Unlimited, Booth 422                                                                  Georgia, Booth 511
Pitkin Stearns International, Booth 317            Professional Societies and
                                                   Associations                                    Central Washington University, Booth 912
General Educational Products                                                                       DOSECC Exploration Services, Booth 518
                                                   American Geophysical Union (AGU), Booth 335     EarthScope, Booth 411
American Geophysical Union (AGU), Booth 335        Association for Women Geoscientists (AWG),      Environmental Isotope Laboratory, Booth 531
CrystalMaker Software Ltd, Booth 216                                                               Geosciences, University of Massachusetts–
EarthScope, Booth 411                                 Booth 234
Geosciences, University of Massachusetts–          EEGS, Booth 510                                    Amherst, Booth 923
                                                   European Geosciences Union (EGU), Booth 516     Indiana University, Booth 910
   Amherst, Booth 923                              Geochemical Society, Booth 211                  Indiana University–Purdue University
GSA Geoinformatics Division, Booth 407             Geological Association of Canada, Booth 213
IRIS Consortium, Booth 413                         Geological Society, London, Booth 334              Indianapolis, Booth 924
Pitkin Stearns International, Booth 317            Geoscience Information Society (GSIS),          LSU Department of Geology & Geophysics,
Science is Never Settled, Booth 640
UNAVCO Inc., Booth 409                                Booth 311                                       Booth 811
University of Chicago Press, Booth 435             GSA Geoinformatics Division, Booth 407          UC Riverside Earth Sciences Department,
                                                   Mineralogical Association of Canada, Booth 212
Geological and Geophysical                         Mineralogical Society of America, Booth 208        Booth 810
Instrumentation                                    National Cave and Karst Research Institute,     University of Texas at Dallas, Booth 723
                                                                                                   University of Washington Earth & Space
Advanced Geosciences Inc., Booth 416                  Booth 617
ASC Scientific, Booth 330                          SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology,              Sciences, Booth 826
Beckman Coulter Life Sciences, Booth 741                                                           University of Wyoming, Booth 805
Bruker Corporation, Booth 625                         Booth 231                                    Virginia Tech Department of Geosciences,
Dino-Lite Scopes, Booth 206                        Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Booth 722
Geophysical Survey Systems Inc. (GSSI),            The Paleontological Society, Booth 730             Booth 636

   Booth 441                                       Exhibit Hall Hours & Opening Reception
HORIBA Scientific, Booth 313
MALA Geoscience USA, Booth 533                     Washington State Convention Center
SEC Co. Ltd., Booth 207                            Sun., 2–7 p.m.; Opening Reception: 5:30–7:30 p.m.
UNAVCO Inc., Booth 409                             Mon.–Tues.: 10 a.m.–6:30 p.m.
                                                   Wed.: 10 a.m.–2 p.m.
Geological Society of America

GSA Energy Division, Booth 114
GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology

   Division, Booth 118
GSA Geoinformatics Division, Booth 407

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