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estimated to range from as little as <25 m and its occurrence in the Jurassic as well Frakes, L.A., Francis, J.E., and Syktus, J.I., 1992,
for minor falls, to as much as ~150 m for as other periods supports the conclusion Climate modes of the Phanerozoic: The history
major falls. The average duration of the that the 410-k.y. periodicity may be consid- of the Earth’s climate over the past 600 million
third-order events is just over a million ered as a basic element of most sequences, years: Cambridge, Cambridge University Press,
years, while fourth-order events average at controlled largely by the long-term cli- 274 p.,
~410 k.y. Much like the Cretaceous (see matic trends. 628948.
Haq, 2014), the fourth-order cyclicity also
seems to be a common feature in the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Gurnis, M., 1993, Phanerozoic marine inundation
Jurassic and is observable locally in sec- of continents driven by dynamic topography
tions with relatively high sedimentation This paper is dedicated to the memory of a above subducting slabs: Nature, v. 364, p. 589–
rates. This higher-order cyclicity is consid- fellow paleoceanographer and friend, Wolfgang 593,
ered to represent the long-period orbital Berger, a scientist extraordinaire, who generously
eccentricity control on depositional cycles. shared his insights with all his colleagues. The Gygi, R.A., Coe, A.L., and Vail, P.R., 1998,
author extends his thanks to Mathieu Martinez Sequence stratigraphy of the Oxfordian and
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS and Guillaume Dera for providing the stable iso- Kimmeridgian stages (Late Jurassic) in northern
topic data on European belemnites from the Switzerland, in De Graciansky, P.-C., Hardenbol,
The causes for third-order cyclicity in Jurassic. Special thanks are due to James Ogg, J., Jacquin, T., and Vail, P.R. eds., Mesozoic and
the Jurassic, in a period where there is little and two anonymous reviewers, for the detailed Cenozoic Sequence Stratigraphy of European
direct evidence of major ice sheets, remain review and many suggestions that improved this Basins: Tulsa, Oklahoma, SEPM Special
unresolved (see a discussion in Haq and paper. Thanks are also due to Alexandre Lethiers Publication 60, p. 3–29.
Huber, 2016). A variety of solid-Earth tec- (University of Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris) for
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