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The Geological Society of Am

       GSA International                                             On To the Future
     TRAVEL GRANTS                                                    Travel Awards

               Application deadline: 5 July 2018                   • 74% of applicants awarded grants
                                                                   • Average award US$497
  GSA International is offering travel grants to help support      • Applications accepted 1 March–25 May
the participation of international scientists and students in
GSA’s Annual Meeting (4–7 Nov. 2018 in Indianapolis,               Join more than 500 students who have received travel
Indiana, USA).                                                   funding to attend their first GSA Annual Meeting. On To the
                                                                 Future (OTF) provides funding to diverse students to attend
  Travel grant funds are limited and grants will not cover the   the fall Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA,
full cost to attend the meeting but are intended to help offset  4–7 November 2018. Awardees will be paired with mentors
the combined cost of registration, housing, and travel.          and have opportunities to interact with GSA leadership.
                                                                 Check the OTF website ( for
  Applicants do not need to be members of GSA or of GSA          eligibility guidelines and application information. GSA
International to apply (although it is preferred). Applicants    encourages low-income, minority, first-generation, non-
must be residing outside of North America and presenting         traditional, women, veterans, LGBTQ, and students with
at the GSA meeting.                                              disabilities to apply.

  To apply for a travel grant, go to          GSA Minority Student
Intl_TravelGrant. You will be asked to provide a title and             Scholarships
author list for the abstract you plan to submit. Applicants who
intend to submit an abstract will be considered for travel                     Application deadline: 15 June
grants, with the expectation that you will submit your
abstract on time and be presenting your abstract at the              This scholarship is granted to six undergraduate
meeting.                                                           students who demonstrate a genuine commitment

  GSA International management board members intend to                to the geosciences. Qualified applicants must
let applicants know about their status (successful or not) by           be U.S. citizens studying at an accredited
26 July 2018, which allows a 90-day window for processing
travel visa documents.                                              university or college in one of GSA’s six regional
                                                                         sections (including Canada and Mexico).
  Questions? Please contact Barbara Carrapa at bcarrapa@                 Students will also receive complimentary
                                                                  GSA student membership and meeting registration
                                                                   for this year’s GSA Annual Meeting & Exposition.

                                                                       Email questions to

                                                                           Learn more at

20 GSA Today | March-April 2018
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