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Annual Meeting Engagement

Elevate your company’s
image and engage with
 GSA Annual Meeting attendees
 from all sectors onsite.

EXHIBIT                                       SHOWCASE TECH PRODUCTS

Put your company in the spotlight to a host   Give attendees hands-on time with your
of earth scientists from the academic,        products in the GEO.SCI Technology
government, business, and industry sectors.   Demonstration Theater.

ADVERTISE                                     BUILD YOUR BRAND

Reach GSA Members and meeting attendees       Be seen throughout the convention center
and be visible in the meeting program         (escalator signage, banners, wraps).
book, GSA Today, and the GSA Connection
e-newsletter.                                 We are happy to help
                                              determine your interests
SPONSOR                                        and create a discounted
                                               package that will best
Be a leader in giving back to your community
through meeting sponsorships.                   meet your needs.

                        More information is available at

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