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GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division;                Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Anirudh Prabhu, Rensselaer
GeoAvatar LLC.                                                    Polytechnic Institute; Fang Huang, Rensselaer Polytechnic
                                                                  Institute. Cosponsor: GSA Geoinformatics Division.
513. Using Sketch Comedy & Standup in Geoscience Teaching
& Informal Communication. Sat., 3 Nov., 8 a.m.–5 p.m. US$97.                     521. Unconscious Bias and Active Bystander
Limit: 20. CEU: 0.8. Instructors: Anthony Feig, Central           Intervention Training to Promote Positive Work Climates.
Michigan University and STEMpunks Comedy Research Group;          Sat., 3 Nov., 8 a.m.–noon. US$10. Limit: 40. CEU: 0.4.
Tim Huxtable, Screen Actors Guild; and STEMpunks Comedy           Instructors: Blair Schneider, University of Kansas; Moses
Research Group. Cosponsor: GSA Geology and Society Division.      Milazzo, USGS. Cosponsors: ADVANCEGeo Partnership;
                                                                  Association for Women Geoscientists; Earth Science Women’s
514. Supporting Diversity in Two-Year College Geoscience          Network.
Programs: Broadening Participation of Underrepresented
Groups. Sat., 3 Nov., 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. US$45. Limit: 40. CEU:  522. Creating Meaningful Experiences in School Settings.
0.7. Instructors: Heather Macdonald, College of William &         Sat., 3 Nov., 8 a.m.–noon. US$25. Limit: 24. CEU: 0.4.
Mary; Norlene Emerson, University of Wisconsin–Richland; Eric     Instructor: Adam Blankenbicker, American Geosciences
Baer, Highline College. Cosponsors: National Association of       Institute. Cosponsor: American Geosciences Institute.
Geoscience Teachers (NAGT); Geo2YC Division of NAGT;
GSA Geoscience Education Division; SAGE 2YC.                              523. Petroleum Systems Fundamentals. Sat., 3 Nov., 1–5
                                                                  p.m. US$25. Limit: 40. CEU: 0.4. Instructor: Keith Mahon,
515. New Approaches to Date Brittle and Ductile Deformation.      Anadarko. Cosponsor: Anadarko.
Sat., 3 Nov., 8 a.m.–noon. US$35. Limit: 40. CEU: 0.4.
Instructor: Yu Wang, China University of Geosciences (Beijing).                  524. Mobile Mapping on Android Devices in
Cosponsor: China University of Geosciences (Beijing).             Offline Environments. Sat., 3 Nov., 1–5 p.m. US$105. Limit: 40.
                                                                  CEU: 0.4. Instructors: Ciarán Doyle, Takor Group; Darren
            516. Active Learning and Digital Geoscience           Smith, Takor Group. Cosponsor: Takor Group.
Education: Update and Upgrade. Sat., 3 Nov., 8 a.m.–noon.
US$60. Limit: 25. CEU: 0.4. Instructors: Lev Horodyskyj,          525. Ready to Engage: Selling Yourself at GSA 2018 and
Arizona State University; Don Bratton, Smart Sparrow; Steve       Beyond, for Students. Sat., 3 Nov., 2–4 p.m. US$5. Limit: 50.
Semken, Arizona State University; Ariel Anbar, Arizona State      CEU: 0.2. Instructors: Beth Bartel, UNAVCO; Wendy Bohon,
University. Cosponsor: Smart Sparrow.                             IRIS. Cosponsors: GSA Geology and Society Division;
                                                                  UNAVCO; IRIS.
               517. Writing Workshop for Geologists Whose
Native Language is Not English. Sat., 3 Nov., 8 a.m.–noon.        526. Taking Students into the Field on Their Own Time:
US$84. Limit: 40. CEU: 0.4. Instructor: Patricia Bobeck,          Design and Assessment of Student Self-Guided Field
Geotechnical Translations.                                        Experiences Using the Free, NSF-Funded Flyover Country
                                                                  Mobile App. Sat., 3 Nov., 1–5 p.m. US$138. Limit: 40. CEU: 0.4.
518. If We Build It: Tips and Techniques in Dynamic Content.      Instructors: Avery Shinneman, University of Washington–
Sat., 3 Nov., 1–5 p.m. US$25, and earn a US$25 coupon for the     Bothell; Amy Myrbo, University of Minnesota; Shane Loeffler,
GSA Bookstore. Limit: 40. CEU: 0.4. Instructors: Craig Jones,     University of Minnesota.
University of Colorado; Shan de Silva, Oregon State University.
Cosponsor: Geosphere.                                                  527. Introduction to AMiGEO (Analytical Methods in
                                                                  Geosciences): Online Open-Access Modules for Teaching
519. Building Mobile Apps for Geoscience. Sat., 3 Nov., 8 a.m.–   Laboratory Techniques. Sat., 3 Nov., 1–5 p.m. US$25. Limit: 20.
noon. US$175. Limit: 20. CEU: 0.4. Instructors: Shane Loeffler,   CEU: 0.4. Instructors: Elizabeth Johnson, James Madison
University of Minnesota; John Czaplewski, University of           University; Juhong Christie Liu, James Madison University.
Wisconsin–Madison. Cosponsor: GSA Geoinformatics Division.

               520. Data Science for Geosciences: Latest                       Short Courses continued on p. 42
Successful Stories and Hands-on Practice. Sat., 3 Nov., 8 a.m.–
noon. US$80. Limit: 40. CEU: 0.4. Instructors: Peter Fox,

INDUSTRY TRACKS—Look for these icons, which identify sessions in the following areas:

Economic Geology  Energy                                          Engineering     Hydrogeology and
                                                                               Environmental Geology

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