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runs of apparent linearity (e.g., Fig. 2). Are                                                                                Randomly-distributed
the several subpopulations of plate areas
suggested by Bird (2003), Morra et al.                                                                                        Plate Centers
(2013), Harrison (2016), and Mallard et al.                                                                                             95%
(2016) statistically distinct from apparently   Number12
linear runs manifest in the sparse sampling
of a broken sheet?                                              African                                                       50%
                                                                          Antarctic, North American
  In order to address that question, we
consider the tabulation of 20 plate areas                                     Eurasian
from Gurnis et al. (2012) used by Morra et                                              South American
al. (2013) to define two subpopulations of
plate sizes (Figs. 1B and 2A). As noted,                                                      Pacific
these plate sizes are closely approximated                                                                                 Australian
by areas in which diameters are exponen-                                                                                                                                    North Bismarck
tially distributed—the broken sheet func-       10 5%
tion (Fig. 1B). If we randomly draw a sam-
ple of 20 areas from such a theoretical                                                                    Average = 8 ± 2.5
population, by chance the resultant array       8 n = 52
will exhibit some number of apparent lin-
ear runs in log plate area versus log           6
exceedance space (Fig. 2B). In order to
quantify the degree of spurious linearity       4
apparent in such randomly sampled popu-
lations, we repeatedly calculate the slopes     2
and correlation coefficients for the two
linear trends that most closely match the                   0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
sample areas in such a model array, deter-
mine the sample (plate) number and area                                           Neighbor Centroids Within 5,000 km
where the intersection between these two
linears occurs, and calculate the differ-       Figure 3. Number of neighbor plate centers within 5,000 km of plate centroids (bars) and Monte
ences in their slopes. Based on this exer-      Carlo simulation of numbers of neighbors apparent among 500 model sets of randomly distributed
cise, it becomes apparent that the R2 values    plate centers (yellow envelope). Names of several larger plates and those with fewest (African) and
of all spurious linear arrays (Fig. 2C), as     most (north Bismarck) neighbors are above appropriate bars. Note that 16 plates have 17 or more
well as the differences between their           neighbors (darker red bars), a density that reflects a spatial association of smaller plates; all of
slopes (Fig. 2D), comprise populations that     these occur in the southwestern Pacific.
completely overlap similar parameters
derived from the Gurnis et al. (2012) data.     homogeneous as well; that is, the numbers      hypothesis that the distribution of plate
Because we cannot reject the null hypoth-       of plates within some distance of the cen-     sizes is truly random. Those observed
esis that all of these areas were drawn from    troid of any other plate might exhibit a uni-  plates with 17 or more neighbors within
the same size-frequency distribution, any       modal distribution. Conversely, if plates      5,000 km (Fig. 3) are located exclusively in
proposition that they somehow exemplify         were geographically associated by size,        the southwestern Pacific; no other part of
several distinct subpopulations of plate        then numbers of neighbors within some          the Earth exhibits a statistically significant
areas becomes untenable. Proposed linear        distance of any plate center might exhibit     concentration of tectonic plates.
runs of plate areas are entirely consistent     some sort of multimodal frequency distri-
with the sparse sampling of a broken sheet.     bution, with smaller distances separating      DISCUSSION
                                                smaller plate centroids, and larger dis-
GEOGRAPHIC CLUMPING OF                          tances separating larger. Among the Bird       Numbers and Sizes of Tectonic Plates
TECTONIC PLATES                                 (2003) data, the closest pair of centroids is
                                                that of the North Bismarck and Manus             In general, the numbers and areas of
  Given that a broken sheet model of plate      plates off Papua New Guinea (235 km); no       modern tectonic plates are closely repli-
fragmentation, wherein geographic loca-         plates have any neighbors within a smaller     cated by the distributions expected when
tions of plate boundaries are randomly          distance. Conversely, the most widely sep-     locations of boundaries are largely inde-
distributed across the Earth’s surface, is in   arated centers are those of the South          pendent; to a first approximation, the
good agreement with observed areas of           American and Philippine Sea plates             Earth’s lithospheric surface is randomly
plates (Fig. 1), we might then ask if the       (19,412 km); at that (or any greater) dis-     subdivided. That several smaller plates
Earth’s plates also exhibit random geo-         tance, all centroids have 51 neighbors.        exhibit geographic association also sug-
graphic dispersal. If the distribution of       Taking 5,000 km as a working distance,         gests that actual fragmentation is more
plate boundaries was laterally homoge-          the frequency of so-defined neighbors for      accurately characterized as a spatially het-
neous, then it follows that the areas of        any one of the Bird (2003) plates ranges       erogeneous Poisson process; the probabil-
those plates should be spatially                from 1 to 23 (Fig. 3). Moreover, Monte         ity of crossing some plate boundary varies
                                                Carlo simulations show that the number of      with geographic position, being higher
                                                neighbors within 5,000 km of randomly          across the southwestern Pacific.
                                                distributed centroids in fact does comprise
                                                a Gaussian distribution with a mode of ~8        Understanding the reasons for differing
                                                neighbors, the modal number expected for       numbers and sizes of tectonic plates is
                                                the centroids of 52 plates haphazardly dis-    important from a number of perspectives.
                                                persed across ~510 × 106 km2 of the Earth’s    As noted, difference in plate areas might
                                                surface (Fig. 3). Because several plates       implicate different processes in their evo-
                                                exhibit numbers of neighbors that fall well    lution, with larger plates being carried and
                                                above 95% confidence limits for randomly       transported by mantle convection and
                                                placed centroids, we can reject the null       smaller ones undergoing greater amounts
                                                                                               of brittle deformation along regions of con-
                                                                                               vective convergence. The greatest

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