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Tracks, Trails & Thieves                           Call for Papers: GSA Today

            The Adventures, Discoveries, and Historical Significance of Ferdinand V. Hayden’s
                  1868 Geological Survey of Wyoming and Adjacent Territories                     4–7 Nov. GSA 2018 Annual Meeting & Exposition
                        By Jack E. Deibert   SPE521, 85 p. + index, ISBN 9780813725215
                       and Brent H. Breithaupt  NOW $15.00       Get your science before a    JULY 2018  |  VOL. 28, NO. 7
                                                                                               A PUBLICATION OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ®
                      broad & diverse audience.     Late Cenozoic Evolution of the Upper
                                                                                               Mississippi River, Stream Piracy, and
                                                                 No page charges, free color,   Reorganization of North American
                                                                                               Mid-Continent Drainage Systems
                                                                 rapid publication online.

               2019 Graduate Student

                     Research Grants                                    Scholar Awards
               GSA is proud to offer research grants to its highly
             qualified student members. Graduate students may      GSA and the GSA Foundation are proud to
             receive a total of two GSA graduate student research   announce that Field Camp Scholarships will be
             grants in their entire academic career, regardless of what   available to undergraduate geology students for the
             program they are currently enrolled in. The maximum   summer of 2019. These scholarships will provide
             award per grant is US$2,500. Graduate students may    students with US$2,000 each to attend the field camp
             also qualify for specialized awards; if so, the total   of their choice. Applications are reviewed based on
             awarded could be more than US$2,500. Apply online,   diversity, economic/financial need, and merit.
             starting 1 Dec. 2018. Submissions must be completed by
             1 Feb. 2019, at 5 p.m. MST. The GSA Graduate Student             Deadline: 15 April 2019
             Research Grant Program is supported by the National   Questions? Contact Jennifer Nocerino at jnocerino@
             Science Foundation under Grant No. 1712071. For more
             information, email or
             call +1-303-357-1025.



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