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proud to have our student travel award bear his name. Totten Award
The award is a travel grant for a student (undergraduate or The Iris Moreno Totten Geoscience Education Research
graduate) presenting a paper or poster at GSA’s annual meeting. Award Fund promotes research in geoscience education, geo-
The grant is competitive and will be awarded based on the evalua- cognition, or related fields that investigate the ways in which
tion of the scientific merit of the research topic and the clarity of people interact with, understand, and connect to Earth and earth
an expanded abstract for the paper or poster prepared by a student processes. This award addresses the need to promote and dis-
for presentation in the Division’s technical session at the meeting. seminate high quality research into best practices for training
the general public and students, fundamental characteristics of
GEOINFORMATICS DIVISION how people perceive and interact with the Earth, and relation-
ships between knowledge, affect, and behavior. This award
Outstanding Contributions will be given to the author(s) of one or more studies presented
in Geoinformatics Award at the annual meeting of the Geological Society of America.
Nominations due 15 Feb. Undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral
The Outstanding Contributions in Geoinformatics award will be researchers, and early career faculty and professionals are
made to an individual who has contributed in an outstanding man- eligible to receive this award. For more information, go to
ner to geology through the application of the principles of geoinfor-
matics. The individual should be a member of GSA. Normally,
a single award will be made annually, but in any particular year HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY
may be withheld if the management board decides that no suitable OF GEOLOGY DIVISION
candidate has been nominated. For more information, go to Mary C. Rabbitt History and
Philosophy of Geology Award
GEOPHYSICS AND Nominations due 15 Feb.
GEODYNAMICS DIVISION Submit nominations to Kathleen Lohff, secretary/treasurer,
George P. Woollard Award The Mary C. Rabbitt History and Philosophy of Geology
Nominations due 1 Feb. Award is presented annually to an individual for exceptional
Submit nominations to Nick Schmerr, scholarly contributions of fundamental importance to our under-
The George P. Woollard Award recognizes outstanding contri- standing of the history of the geological sciences. Achievements
butions to geology through the application of the principles and deserving of the award include, but are not limited to, publica-
techniques of geophysics. A highlight of the presentation is the tion of papers or books that contribute new and profound
honorary George P. Woollard Technical Lecture by the recipient insights into the history of geology based on original research or
before the award ceremony. To submit a nomination, please pro- a synthesis of existing knowledge. The award was established by
vide the nominee’s name, contact information, and a short para- the History of Geology Division in 1981 and renamed in 2005 in
graph stating the nominee’s qualifications, including a short sum- memory of Mary C. Rabbitt, whose bequest has made this award
mary of their specific work or outcomes and how these have possible. Neither the nominator nor the nominee need be a mem-
contributed to geology. A curricula vitae, if available, helps, but is ber of the Division or of GSA. The nomination packet should
not required. Please send as email attachments to Nick Schmerr, include (1) a letter detailing the contributions that warrant the Award funds are administered by the GSA award; and (2) the nominee’s current curriculum vitae including
Foundation. For more information, go to name, title, affiliation, education, degrees, honors and awards,
major career events, and contributions that warrant the award.
GEOSCIENCE EDUCATION DIVISION Monies for the award are administered by the GSA Foundation.
For more information, go to
Biggs Award for Excellence histphildiv/awards/rabbitt.
in Earth Science Teaching
Nominations due 15 Mar. Gerald M. and Sue T. Friedman
The Biggs Award recognizes innovative and effective teaching Distinguished Service Award
in college-level earth science. Earth-science instructors and fac- Nominations due 15 Feb.
ulty members from any academic institution engaged in under- Submit nominations to Kathleen Lohff, secretary/treasurer,
graduate education who have been teaching full-time for 10 years
or fewer are eligible (part-time teaching is not counted in this The Gerald M. and Sue T. Friedman Distinguished Service
requirement). Both peer- and self-nominations will be accepted. Award, established in 2005, is presented for exceptional ser-
This award, administered by the GSA Foundation, is made pos- vice to the advancement of our knowledge of the history and
sible by support from the Donald and Carolyn Biggs Fund. An philosophy of the geological sciences. Neither the nominator
additional travel reimbursement is also available to the recipient nor the nominee has to be a member of the Division or of GSA.
to enable him or her to attend the award presentation at the GSA The service to the history and philosophy of geology may
Annual Meeting. For more information, go to community include, but is not limited to, the discovery of and making available rare source materials; comprehensive bibliographic
6 GSA Today | January 2019