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Thank You 2019 GeoCorps™

                                               America Participants,

                                               Partners, and Donors!

                  GeoCorps provides paid geoscience opportunities in partnership with government agencies and other organizations
               committed to science and stewardship, including the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the USDA Forest Service.
                   All levels of geoscientists—students, educators, professionals, retirees, and others—are encouraged to apply.
                Opportunities for spring/summer 2020 will be posted online and open for applications beginning in December 2019.


               Clockwise from left: Cole Blasko collecting data at a culvert in the Chippewa National Forest. Kai Morsink uses a grid to record the exact
               arrangement of stones in a prehistoric archaeological feature. Rebecca Anderson in Umpqua National Forest taking a stream crossing
               measurement with the level. Anthony Spiegel and Bridget Murray in Meeker, Colorado, painting bat boxes with Rocky Mountain Youth
               Corps participants.

               Government partners include:       Staffing partners include:   Donors to the GeoCorps program include:

             Bureau of Land     Forest Service          Our People Are Everything. TM
            Management (BLM)  Department of Agriculture   Aerotek

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