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ACCOMMODATIONS                                       Lightning Talks
          Hotel registration deadline: 27 April                 Students, please join us for an informal lightning-talk session
            A block of rooms has been reserved at the Canal Park Lodge   during the Icebreaker Reception on Sunday night, 17 May.
          (+1-218-279-6000), which is a few blocks from the Duluth   Lightning talks provide an opportunity to draw people to your
          Entertainment Convention Center (DECC), where the meeting   poster or talk, or just to sharpen your presentation skills. Lightning
          will be held, for US$119/room, and at the Holiday Inn & Suites   talks must be three minutes (or less), and the three-minute limit will
          (+1-218-722-1202) in downtown Duluth for US$114/room. The   be enforced. Speakers may include up to two slides in their presen-
          Holiday Inn is connected to the DECC via the downtown sky-  tation, not including a title slide. The session is a great opportunity
          way system. Please call hotels directly and reference the   to meet other students and learn about their research. Anyone may
          group code of NCGSA20 when reserving a room. Dormitory   attend, but speakers must be undergraduate or graduate students.
          rooms are also available at the University of Minnesota Duluth   Indicate your interest in giving a lightning talk when you register
          and can be reserved online. Information and reservations are   for the meeting. If you have questions, please contact Collin Roland
          available at UMD is a   at
          10-minute drive or 30-minute bus ride (DTA) from the DECC.
          OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS AND EARLY                  Interested in sharing information about your applied geosci-
          CAREER PROFESSIONALS                                 ence or hydrology career with students? Being a mentor is a
          Career Mentoring Luncheons                           rewarding experience. To learn more about serving as a mentor
            Ask your career-related questions and learn about non-academic   at North-Central GSA, contact Jennifer Nocerino at jnocerino@
          pathways in the geosciences while networking with professionals at
          the Roy J. Shlemon and John Mann Mentor Luncheons. Students   The North-Central Section Meeting also offers an excellent
          and early career professionals are welcome.          opportunity to earn CEUs toward your continuing education
                                                               requirements for your employer, K–12 school, or professional
          Career Workshop Series                               registration. Please check the meeting website after the meeting
            This three-part series will feature career development planning,   to download your CEU certificate.
          an exploration of geoscience job sectors, and information on best
          practices for crafting a résumé and cover letter. Non-technical   LOCAL COMMITTEE
          skills and workforce statistics will be reviewed. The series will be   Chair: Karen Gran,
          led by workshop presenters and geoscientists. No registration is   Vice-Chair: Harry Jol,
          required, and everyone is welcome.                   Technical Program Chair: Chad Wittkop, chad.wittkop@
            Learn more at Questions?   Field Trip Chair: Carrie Jennings,
          Contact Jennifer Nocerino at  Sponsorship Chair: Howard Mooers,
                                                               Exhibits Chair: Erik Brown,
          Presentation Awards                                  Student Programs/Student Volunteer Chair: Prajukti (Juk)
            Awards for the best graduate and undergraduate student posters   Bhattacharyya,
          and papers are supported by the GSA North-Central Section and by   Treasurer: Doug Ricketts,
          the Great Lakes Section–SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology).   Short Course Chair: Josh Feinberg,

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