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              Association of Earth Science Editors

           53rd Annual Meeting
           September 4 to 7, 2019
           Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

                                AESE: Committed to excellence in editing
                                and publication of earth science articles,
          books and maps

                                                                           Field Volcanology:

                                                                          A Tribute to the Distinguished
                                                                              Career of Don Swanson

                                                                   Edited by M.P. Poland, M.O. Garcia, V.E. Camp, and A. Grunder

                                                                                          Special Paper 538

                                                                         SPE538, 458 p., ISBN 9780813725383
                                                                            $60.00, member price $42.00

           On To the Future

           GSA is dedicated to attracting the best               Recent Minority Student Scholarship recipients. From left to right:
                                                                 David Davis, Lisa Duong, and Nora Soto Contreras.
           and brightest minds to our science.   The Geological Society of America ®
           Since 2013, more than 500 students
           from diverse backgrounds have been                           GSA Minority Student
           funded to attend their first GSA Annual                             Scholarships
           Meeting. Interested students can apply                Expanding diversity and inclusivity is critical to innovation,
           for a travel award to attend the Annual Meeting in Phoenix,   scientific advancement, and solving tomorrow’s
           Arizona, USA, 22–25 Sept. 2019. At the meeting, students will   geoscience challenges. GSA’s Minority Scholarship
           have special opportunities to be paired with a mentor, attend   awards six US$1,500 scholarships to undergraduate
           special morning sessions, and network with GSA leadership.   students from minority backgrounds. Awardees also
           GSA encourages low-income, minority, first-generation,   receive complimentary student membership and meeting
           non-traditional, women, LBGTQ, veterans, students with   registration for this year’s Annual Meeting. Apply by
           disabilities, and others to apply. Apply before 31 May.  15 May at Email questions to

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