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Q                                                      Q

                                silexite  granodiorite                                 igneous  granodiorite
                                              tonalite                                 rocks         tonalite
                         60              60                                     60             60
             alkali feldspar                   quartz monzodiorite   feldspar                        quartz monzodiorite
               granite                         quartz monzogabbro                  granite LG        quartz monzogabbro
                             granite                               granite
            quartz                                quartz diorite                                         quartz diorite
          alkali feldspar                         quartz gabbro  quartz alkali syenite                   quartz gabbro
            syenite                              quartz anorthosite  feldspar                           quartz anorthosite
                       10    35      65    90                             20  F  F  35 F              20
          alkali feldspar   20  quartz  quartz  20  monzodiorite  alkali feldspar  quartz  quartz  C       monzodiorite
            syenite     syenite  monzonite          monzogabbro   syenite      syenite  monzonite         monzogabbro
                 5      syenite  monzonite        5    diorite          5     syenite  monzonite         5    diorite
               A               foid-bearing        P   gabbro         A                                  P    gabbro
          foid-bearing         monzonite              anorthosite                                            anorthosite
          alkali syenite  10                     10  foid-bearing diorite
                      10         50  foid   90      foid-bearing gabbro         Figure 2. IUGS classification for quartz-bearing
             foid-bearing   foid   monzodiorite    foid-bearing anorthosite     felsic rocks showing the differentiation paths
               syenite    monzosyenite  foid                                    followed by various granitic plutons Dashed
                                   monzogabbro                                  lines—granitoids of Cordilleran batholiths; C—
                                              foid-bearing monzodiorite         Caledonian batholiths; F—ferroan granites;
                foid syenite                  foid-bearing monzogabbro
                                                                                LG—peraluminous leucogranites; Q—quartz;
                                             foid diorite                       A—alkali feldspar; P—plagioclase. From Frost
                                             foid gabbro                        and Frost (2014).
                          60            60
                                             Figure 1. IUGS classification for quartz-bearing
                               foidolite     felsic rocks comparing where a 25,25,40 granite
                                             would plot if the modal analyses were precise to   quantify rock variability than modes.
                                             less than ±1% (red dot) compared to where it   Together, the IUGS rock names and the
                                             would plot if the modal analysis was precise to
                                             ±10% (yellow circle).              corresponding geochemical analyses pro-
                                 F                                              vide insights into the most important, and
                                                                                frankly most exciting, questions in petrol-
          plagioclase component. Any statistical   containing quartz diorite, tonalite, and   ogy, including how igneous melts form,
          application of a modal classification sys-  granodiorite is typical of continental arc   how the magmas evolve, and how their
          tem would involve these uncertainties.  batholiths, whereas a suite consisting of   compositions reflect the tectonic environ-
            The IUGS classification bins samples   monzonite, syenite, quartz syenite, and   ments where these processes take place.
          into a relatively small number of rock   granite is typical of ferroan granitoids   Let’s leave the well-established IUGS
          names to give geologists a general sense   from extensional environments (Fig. 2).  classification system in place rather than
          of the rock composition. As Streckeisen   We conclude that it is a mistake to   to try to fix something that is not broken.
          (1976) puts it, “The system is merely of   modify the IUGS classification system to
          descriptive character, as it serves to   make it into a quantitative naming sys-  REFERENCES CITED
          order the rocks that occur in nature   tem. The IUGS classification system was   Frost, B.R., and Frost, C.D., 2014, Essentials of
          according to their mineral content.”   developed over nearly 20 years and   Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology:
                                                                                  Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 314 p.
          Moreover, the system allows for modifi-  involved 456 petrologists from 52 coun-  Glazner, A.F., Bartley, J.M., and Coleman, D.S.,
          cation of the IUGS rock name to make it   tries (Le Maitre et al., 2002). The idea   2019, A more informative way to name
          more informative: a biotite hornblende   that it should be overturned by a single   plutonic rocks: GSA Today, v. 29, p. 4–10,
          granodiorite has more hornblende than   paper is inadvisable. Glazner et al.’s
          biotite. A geologist knows that magnetite   (2019) proposal to use modes in a quanti-  Le Maitre, R.W., Streckeisen, A., Zanettin, B.,
                                                                                  LeBas, M.J., Bonin, B., Bateman, editors,
          granite contains Fe 3O 4 as the main mafic   tative way eliminates rock names that are   2002, Igneous Rocks: A Classification and
          component of the rock. The prefixes   meaningful and well-established in the   Glossary of Terms: Cambridge, Cambridge
          leuco- and mela- may be used to indicate   geological literature and is burdened by   University Press,
          the abundance of mafic minerals in the   the inherent imprecision of modal analy-  CBO9780511535581.
          rock. In addition, the assemblage of   ses. Whole rock chemical analyses are   Streckeisen, A., 1976, To each plutonic rock its
                                                                                  proper name: Earth-Science Reviews, v. 12,
          IUGS rock names determined from a   more accurate and reproducible than   p. 1–33,
          particular intrusion provides information   modes; consequently, as far as quantita-  (76)90052-0.
          about magma evolution, which in turn   tive databases are concerned, geochemi-
          can help identify tectonic setting. For   cal databases, coupled with a complete   Manuscript received 7 Mar. 2019
          example, a suite of plutonic rocks   IUGS rock name, provide a better way to   Manuscript accepted 11 Mar. 2019

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