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Why I Give: The GSA Foundation’s Board of Trustees

            The GSA Foundation is fortunate to have a strong volunteer   Terri Bowers: GSA members were such a community for me
          base of dedicated geologists from across the full breadth of our   when I was young that now is the time for me to help on the
          science. The members of our Board of Trustees generously vol-  other end. There has never been a time when earth-science
          unteer their time and resources to ensure both our success and   education was so important as it is now—yet resources for this
          that of the Society’s. Several board members wanted to share   support are ever more limited. I don’t know if we, the Society
          with you why they invest their time, talents, and resources in   members, can make up the gaps, but we have to try.
          GSA—and why they hope you will do the same.
                                                               Rex Buchanan: The discipline of geology has been a welcoming
          Judy Parrish: GSA is a premier geological society that has   professional home to me. I’ve developed relationships in the
          strong and diverse programs to serve students. Its journals are   community that I value highly. Supporting GSA is one way to
          among the top ones in our discipline, and the membership has    pay back the discipline for what it’s given me. This is also a
          a strong appreciation for the continued value of fieldwork, as   challenging time for science and scientific societies. And that
          well as the development and application of new technologies.    makes support of GSA more important than ever.
          It is one place where you really can see the impact of your giving.
                                                               Steve Wells: The Geological Society of America has been my
          Jack Shroder: You could give your money in a variety of ways   professional society of choice since I was a graduate student in
          or to a lot of different organizations but your donation to GSA   the early 1970s. As a student, young professional, professor,
          can be followed easily from donation, through student applica-  and academic administrator, I have benefited from the Society
          tion, to recipient so that you can see where it goes or what it is   in ways that I cannot measure. From support for my graduate
          being used for.                                      research to honing my professional leadership skills, the Society
                                                               has been one of the most important factors in my career over the
          Wes Ward: Many people, most of whom I will never meet,   past 40 years. Giving is a very small step I can take to ensure
          made it possible for me to have a great career in geology. They   that GSA will continue to provide these types of positive
          had the foresight to set up or contribute to a fund to help under-  impacts in the future.
          grads and graduate students such as I was then. Their faith in
          future generations is something I admire and feel obligated to   Do you have a similar experience? Are you ready to give
          emulate—something I very much enjoy. I am proud to do my   back? Your generosity will support the broader geoscience com-
          part in the development and continuation of our science.  munity and aid GSA members from their student years to retire-
                                                               ment. If you have questions about ways to significantly support
          Darrel Cowan: GSA has always been my home society, even as   GSA programs, please contact Clifton Cullen at +1-303-357-1007
          an undergraduate. I published my first paper in the GSA Bulletin   or To learn more about the GSAF
          and presented my first talks while a graduate student at Section   Board of Trustees, visit
          Meetings. I give to GSA partly as thanks for everything it pro-
          vides to our community.

                          Tom Holzer, GSAF Board Treasurer, presents his
                          financial report during the Trustees meeting held
                          before GSA 2019 in Indianapolis. GSAF Trustees
                          graciously donate their time to provide guidance
                          and leadership for the Foundation.


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