Page 19 - GSATJanuary2020
P. 19

Distinguished Career Award                            Sedimentary Geology Division and Structural Geol-
         Nominations due 1 Apr.                                ogy and Tectonics Division Joint Award: Stephen E.
         Submit nominations to Sarah Lewis at  Laubach Structural Diagenesis Research Award
          The Distinguished Career Award is presented annually to a   Nominations due 1 Apr.
         Quaternary geologist or geomorphologist who has demonstrated   Submit nominations to Timothy Byrne at
         excellence in their contributions to science. Because the award   The Stephen E. Laubach Structural Diagenesis Research Award
         recognizes research excellence, self-nomination is not permitted.   Fund promotes research combining structural geology and diagen-
         Neither nominators nor nominees need be GSA members.  esis and curriculum development in structural diagenesis. This
          Nominations should include (1) a brief biographical sketch;    award addresses the rapidly growing recognition that fracturing,
         (2) a statement of no more than 200 words describing the candi-  cement precipitation and dissolution, evolving rock mechanical
         date’s scientific contributions to Quaternary geology and geomor-  properties, and other structural diagenetic processes can govern
         phology; (3) a selected bibliography of no more than 20 titles;    recovery of resources and sequestration of material in deeply bur-
         and (4) a minimum of four letters from colleagues supporting the   ied, diagenetically altered and fractured sedimentary rocks. The
         nomination. Please submit electronically unless hardcopy previ-  award highlights the growing need to break down disciplinary
         ously approved. For more information, go to https://community   boundaries between structural geology and sedimentary petrology,  exemplified by the work of Dr. Stephen Laubach and colleagues.
                                                               The award alternates between being awarded by the Sedimentary
         Kirk Bryan Award for Research Excellence              Geology Division on odd-numbered years and the Structural
         Nominations due 1 Feb.                                Geology and Tectonics Division on even-numbered years, reflecting
         Submit nominations to Sarah Lewis at  the focus of the award on this cycle. Graduate students, postgradu-
          The Kirk Bryan Award is bestowed upon the author or authors of a   ates, and faculty-level researchers are eligible. For information and
         published paper of distinction advancing the science of geomorphol-  application requirements, go to
         ogy or some related field, such as Quaternary geology. The paper   sedimentarygeologydiv/awards/laubach or https://community
         constituting the basis of the award must fulfill the following require-
         ments: (1) the paper will deal with geomorphology or with a border-
         ing field, and (2) the paper will have been published not more than   STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY & TECTONICS
         five years prior to its selection for the award. Nominations should   DIVISION
         include (1) a letter (1–3 pages long) by the chief nominator outlining
         the significance and importance of the nominated publication; (2) a   Career Contribution Award
         copy of the publication; (3) reviews of the publications that have   Nominations due 1 Mar.
         appeared in journals, newsletters, or books (if any); and (4) one or   Submit nominations to Jeff Amato at
         more letters from other supporters of the nomination. Please submit   The Career Contribution Award is for an individual who
         electronically unless hardcopy previously approved. For more infor-  throughout his or her career has made numerous distinguished
         mation, go to  contributions that have clearly advanced the science of structural
         awards/kirkbryanaward.                                geology or tectonics. Nominees need not be citizens or residents
                                                               of the United States, and GSA membership is not required.
         SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY DIVISION                          Nominations should include the following information: (1) name
                                                               of nominee, present institutional affiliation, and address; (2)
         Laurence L. Sloss Award for Sedimentary Geology       summary statement of nominee’s major career contributions to
         Nominations due 15 Feb.                               the science of structural geology and tectonics; (3) selected key
         Submit nominations to Brett McLaurin at  published works of the nominee; and (4) name and address of the
          The Laurence L. Sloss Award for Sedimentary Geology is given   nominator. For more information, go to https://community
         annually to a sedimentary geologist whose lifetime achievements
         best exemplify those of Larry Sloss—i.e., achievements that con-
         tribute widely to the field of sedimentary geology and service to   Outstanding Publication Award
         GSA. Submit (1) a cover letter describing the nominee’s accom-  Nominations due 1 Mar.
         plishments in sedimentary geology and contributions to GSA;    Submit nominations to Julie Newman at
         (2) a curriculum vitae; and (3) any additional supporting letters   The Outstanding Publication Award is given annually for a pub-
         electronically. Nomination materials remain active for three years.   lished work (paper, book, or map) of exceptional distinction that
         Monies for the award are derived from the annual interest income   clearly advances the science of structural geology or tectonics.
         of the Laurence L. Sloss Award for Sedimentary Geology Fund,   Nominations include: (1) a full citation; (2) nomination (as short as a
         administered by the GSA Foundation. For more information, go to   paragraph; letters or reviews may also be included); and (3) the name  and address of the nominator. For more information, go to https://

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