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From Field Camp to Profession: One Step in the
    Career Path for Emerging Geoscientists

One of the pillars of GSA’s mission is advancement of                         As an undergraduate student with little to no prior
              the geosciences profession, and as geologists from all       experience in the oil and gas industry, it was initially
              disciplines, we know how important fieldwork is to           quite intimating to be in the field with and presenting
              our careers. Opportunities to experience fieldwork           to company and industry experts. I soon realized our
are dwindling, and so GSA’s efforts to help provide this opportu-          mentors shared the same passion and curiosity for the
nity, with partner support, are important for our student members.         geological sciences as I did, and it inspired me to pur-
                                                                           sue a career in industry.
  Starting in 2009, the GSA/ExxonMobil Bighorn Basin Field              Kim’s success is encouraging to all of us at GSA, at the GSA
Camp awarded 20 undergraduate and/or graduate students and            Foundation, at companies like ExxonMobil and others who have
five faculty members participation in a high-quality seven-day        hired alumni of the Bighorn Basin Field Camp, and to students
field seminar for seven conscutive years. Run in the Bighorn          following in her footsteps. If you feel as strongly as we do about
Basin of north central Wyoming, USA, participants had costs           the vital component of field experience for students moving
covered for transportation, meals, and living expenses. The camp      toward careers in the geosciences, please join us in support of
was taught by ExxonMobil professionals with specific skills in        our future geoscientists at
tectonics, geochemistry, structure, sequence stratigraphy, sedi-      #fund=field-camp-opportunities. To discuss support of
mentology, paleontology, hydrocarbon systems analysis, and            field camp opportunities like this one, please contact Debbie
integrated play analysis. GSA’s Committee on Professional             Marcinkowski at +1 303 357-1047 or dmarcinkowski
Development selected participants based on grades, cover letters,
and letters of recommendation.
                                                                      Kim’s participation in the 2014 GSA/ExxonMobil Bighorn Basin Field Camp.
  Kimberly Gloersen was an undergraduate student at Clemson
University when she attended the Bighorn Basin Field Camp in
2014. After the field camp, she was offered an internship as a
production geologist. At the conclusion of the internship, Kim
was offered a full-time position with ExxonMobil Exploration
Company beginning in early 2016 and is now working with the
Gulf of Mexico team.

  As one of many participants over the years, Kim’s story conveys
the value of field experience for geology students hoping to
pursue careers in industry:

        The Bighorn Basin Field Camp was an excellent,
     well-rounded program that provided a fundamental,
     hands-on look as to how hydrocarbon systems form
     and how industry views and attempts to develop an
     understanding of them.

        Students and professors were split into teams and
     given a week to develop different play elements and
     concepts. I felt this system was effective because team
     members came from a variety of geologic backgrounds
     and experiences, and were able to draw upon that and
     integrate a diverse spectrum of ideas into a final product.                                                                                                                                 37
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