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Science Editor Openings for 2022

       GSA seeks applications for science co-editors for GSA Today, GSA Bulletin, Geosphere, and Geology (one position each).
       The four-year terms begin 1 January 2022. Duties include: ensuring stringent peer review and expeditious processing of
       manuscripts; making final acceptance or rejection decisions after considering reviewer recommendations; and, along
       with your co-editors, setting the editorial tone of the journal and maintaining excellent content through publication of a
       diverse range of papers.

                    POSITION DETAILS                                REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS
       GSA Today editors can expect to handle papers on a wide
       range of topics, and editors are also responsible for solic-  •  Experience as an editor or associate editor for a
       iting submissions of papers they feel would be of interest   geoscience journal. Include details of the duties and
       to GSA members and other readers. Areas of expertise   duration of the position(s) held.
       that best complement the continuing editor include, but   •  Demonstrated expertise in two or more fields in the
       are not limited to: surface geology; modern processes; cli-  geosciences or in interdisciplinary fields broadly
       mate issues; environmental concerns.                   related to the geosciences.
       Geosphere editors should be broadly interdisciplinary with   •  Demonstrated experience handling a significant
       specialization in a range of possible disciplines, such as:   editorial workload and ability to make timely decisions.
       volcanology; magmatism; igneous petrology; geochem-  •  Because of the breadth of topics covered in GSA
       istry; geochronology; sedimentary geology; stratigraphy;   journals, the applicant must clearly express
       planetary geology; geoscience education.               willingness to handle papers outside of their main
       Research interests that complement those of the continu-
       ing GSA Bulletin editors include, but are not limited to:   •  Demonstrated ability to communicate clearly and be
       deformation; petrology; sedimentary geology; stratigraphy;   responsive to author needs
       geochemistry; marine geology; neotectonics; planetary
       geology; Precambrian geology; tectonics; tectonophysics;
       high-T thermochronology.                                    PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS
       Geology editors should expect to handle 200–250 man-
       uscripts each year, with ~35 active manuscripts on any   •  Experience with a GSA journal as a reviewer, associate
       given day. Research interests that complement those of the   editor, or editor.
       continuing editors include, but are not limited to: deforma-  •  Breadth of interdisciplinary experience to complement
       tion; geodynamics; petrology; Precambrian geology;     that of existing editors; demonstrated interest in
       structural geology; tectonophysics; accessory minerals;   interdisciplinary research.
       economic geology; geochemistry–high-T isotopes; high-T   •  International reputation and connections with the
       geochronology.                                         geoscience communities.

       Editors work out of their current locations at work or at   •  Interest in encouraging innovation; willingness to take
       home. The positions are considered voluntary, but GSA   risks.
       provides an annual stipend and funds for office expenses.
                                                            •  Ability to support a positive team dynamic; ability to
       Evaluation Process: The GSA Publications Committee     work with GSA staff and other editors to enhance the
       will evaluate applications and make its recommendations   reputation of the journal.
       to GSA Council based on the combination of how a can-
       didate’s disciplinary expertise fits with the needs of the
       journal and on the candidate’s application, which should
       provide documentation of the required and preferred qual-
       ifications listed here.
       GSA affirms the value of diverse scientific ideas and the
       connection between diverse scientific ideas and a diverse
       group of contributors of those ideas. Accordingly, GSA
       welcomes applications from all qualified persons and
       encourages applications that highlight diversity.

       To Apply: In a single PDF, submit your curriculum vitae and
       a letter of application that demonstrates how your interests
       and experience fulfill the required and preferred qualifi-
       cations listed below to Jeanette Hammann, jhammann@ Deadline: 1 March 2021.
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