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There’s something new
                                                          UNDER THE BIG SKY

                                                           ROADSIDE GEOLOGY OF MONTANA

                                                          The long wait is over, and the new book is fabulous. It’s
                                                          been 34 years since the previous edition of  Roadside
                                                          Geology of Montana was released, and a lot has changed
                                                          in geologic thinking since then. This new, color edition
                                                          with updated maps, figures, and text includes many

                                                          places not covered in the first book. Nowhere but in the
                                                          Big Sky State will you uncover such amazingly diverse
                                                          geology with well-exposed rocks and dramatic stories.
                                                          Make your next road trip to Montana one that you’ll
                                                          never forget!
                                                                480 pages, 6x9, color, $30.00 paper
                                                                 Item #208, ISBN 978-0-87842-696-6

                          25–28 Oct. GSA 2020 Annual Meeting
                                                                                   MARCH/APRIL 2020
                                                                                   MARCH/APRIL 2020
                                                                                   MARCH/APRIL 2020
           MAY 2020
           MAY 2 2
                                                                             ISSN 0016-7606  VOL. 132  NO. 3/4
                                                                             ISSN 0016-7606  VOL. 132  NO. 3/4
                                                                             ISSN 0016-7606  VOL. 132  NO. 3/4
                               VOL. 30, NO. 6  |  JUNE 2020
                   MAY 2020  ■   VOL. 48  NO. 5  ■  P. 417–528
              ISSN 0091-7613
           ■ VOL. 48 NO. 5
                          Visualization and Sharing
                         of 3D Digital Outcrop Models                   THE  GEOLOGICAL  SOCIETY  OF  AMERICA  BULLETIN, VOLUME  132,  NO.  3/4,  P.  353–704
                          to Promote Open Science

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                        06/04/20   9:04 PM                               MARCH/APRIL 2020
                                   Success in Publishing:
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                                 Navigating the Process
                     Publishing your work is important, but how do you go about it?
             Led by experienced GSA science editors (and GSA   Plus, hear from the experts on what constitutes a good
             Distinguished Service Awardees) Rónadh Cox and Nancy   review and how you would benefit from being a reviewer.
             Riggs, this workshop focuses on the bigger creative   This highly successful, free workshop for early career
             picture. Learn how to:
                                                              geoscientists on the process of preparing and publishing
             • frame and structure your work for publication,   papers will be held for its eighth year during the 2020
             •  create well-thought-out figures and tables that   GSA Annual Meeting. Watch for information on how
              communicate your ideas,                         to apply in upcoming issues of GSA Today, GSA
                                                              Connection, and on GSA’s social media sites.
             • write an attention-getting cover letter,
             • choose the right journal for your work,
             • and more!

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