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                          Register Today for Best Pricing

         Deadline: 11:59 p.m. MDT on 7 Sept.         
         Cancelation deadline: 11:59 p.m. MDT on 13 Sept.      travel -grants for application and deadline information. Note:   Eligibility criteria and deadline dates may vary by grant. The
                                                               deadline to apply for the GSA Student Travel Grant is 7 Sept.
         REGISTRATION                                          MEDIA REGISTRATION
          Several GSA Divisions and Associated Societies will hold   GSA welcomes working members of the press to attend for the
         breakfasts, lunches, receptions, and awards presentations that   purpose of gathering news and information to produce media cov-
         require a ticket and/or advance registration (see the meeting web-  erage of GSA Connects 2021. Complementary media registration
         site for a complete list). Ticketed events are open to everyone, and   allows access to technical sessions, the Resource and Innovation
         tickets can be purchased in advance when you register. If you are   Center, and the newsroom. Public Information officers from geo-
         not attending the meeting but would like to purchase a ticket to   science-related institutions and agencies may also apply. Check
         one of these events, please contact the GSA meetings department   the meeting website or contact
         at                           for further information on eligibility and how to apply.
         Deadline for first consideration: 28 June              GSA offers continuing education units (CEUs) toward continu-
          Please let us know about your non-technical events via our online   ing education requirements for employer, K–12 school, or profes-
         request system—connect via  sional organizations. Please check the meeting website after the
         gsa2021/connect/events. Meeting space at the official GSA event   meeting to download your CEU certificate.
         locations is reserved on a first-come, first-served basis, and the
         form will include options for in-person, hybrid, and online events.   STUDENT VOLUNTEERS
         We look forward to including your business meetings, town halls,   The Student Volunteer Program will open in early July. Earn
         luncheons, workshops, and receptions.                 complimentary registration when you volunteer to work for at
                                                               least ten hours, plus get an insider’s view of the meeting. Please
         TRAVEL GRANTS                                         wait to register for the meeting until you sign up as a volunteer,
          You still have time to apply for grants. Various groups are    unless you want to reserve a space in a Field Trip or Short Course.
         offering grants to help defray your costs for registration, field   Details:
         trips, travel, etc., for GSA Connects 2021. Check the website at   volunteers.

         16  GSA Today  |  June 2021
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