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GSA President Barb Dutrow: Updates from GSA
The past nearly two years of the COVID-19 GSA’s On To the Future (OTF) program has proven to be highly
pandemic have accelerated changes and successful at increasing diversity in the next generation of earth
highlighted the strong leadership team in scientists. The program provides first-time attendees from mar-
place at GSA Headquarters. With our mis- ginalized groups to attend the GSA Connects meetings, helping
sion always at the forefront, GSA embraced them with transportation and registration costs while partnering
new opportunities, such as pivoting to online them with mentors. OTF also offers pre- and post-meeting pro-
meetings and expanding inclusivity and grams to facilitate networking and maximize the mentees’ experi-
accessibility to our science. ences. This program has expanded and needs more mentors, so
Barb Dutrow, This year, GSA set the standard for moving please sign up (go to
GSA President forward with an in-person meeting while and click on “mentorship”).
maintaining the health and safety of our members. Requiring proof
of vaccination as well as a negative COVID test prior to arrival at YEAR TO COME
the convention center in Portland, Oregon, USA, provided those on Change at GSA continues. With the announced retirement of
site with a sense of well-being. The ample space in meeting rooms, our exceptional executive director, Vicki S. McConnell, a search
poster sessions, and the Resource & Innovation Center made social is under way to identify another highly qualified candidate. To
distancing easy. Nearly 3,000 people enjoyed the first face-to-face set the stage for this nationwide search, the Executive Committee
meeting for many of us in the past two years. There were seamless retreat, led by Seth Kahan, focused on visionary leadership. This
transitions from in-person to virtual presentations. GSA’s On To retreat was attended by Council and staff. Moving the search
The Future program brought in 76 scholars to experience their first forward and facilitating knowledge transfer and succession plan-
GSA Connects meeting, along with many other students and early ning is a high priority.
career scientists. For those unable to travel, a hybrid component was
available, and portions of the meeting were live streamed. Meetings MISSION STATEMENT REFRESH
have changed, will continue to change for the future, and GSA is at As a mission-driven organization, it is imperative to have our
the forefront of the new meetings era. mission statement capture the breadth of our activities. GSA has
evolved over the years, and we need our mission statement to
DECADAL STRATEGIC PLAN evolve with us. It is time to refresh our mission statement to align
GSA is currently implementing its ambitious strategic plan. The with our all that GSA does for science and society.
plan includes a focus on embedding JEDI (justice, equity, diversity,
inclusivity) into all areas of GSA’s governance, leadership, awards, SALE OF THE BOULDER HEADQUARTERS
membership, and outreach. Our latest efforts derive from recom- CAMPUS
mendations from the ad hoc Awards and Nominations Committee. A few years ago, the ad hoc Campus Vision Committee recom-
It’s that time of the year when GSA accepts nominations for awards, mended the sale of the headquarters campus in Boulder, Colorado,
leadership, and committee positions. Members will note substantial USA, and Council ratified this decision in 2020. With the transition
modifications to the awards criteria and nominations process as part to a hybrid working environment, the need to minimize our carbon
of our continuing JEDI efforts. GSA actively seeks more diversity footprint, and the opportunity to maximize the utilization of office
in our awards, on committees, and in leadership positions. Our space, Council determined that, after nearly 50 years, it is time to
members can facilitate this by participating in the nominations pro- move. A purchase sales agreement has been signed with Boulder
cess at all levels. Embedding JEDI in our awards and nominations is Housing Partners (BHP), a not-for-profit local entity, and is under-
key to ensuring that they are inclusive and to reflect the diversity of going “due diligence” with the City of Boulder. Subsequently, GSA
our membership. The ad hoc Awards and Nominations Committee is planning to relocate our offices to another front-range location.
recommendations are expansive. One goal is to implement these Because the building is iconic, BHP plans to save and repurpose
recommendations and to ensure a more inclusive process. A search the historical original wing of the building as part of a residential
is also underway for a full-time director of diversity to continue development project.
expansion and implementation of these many opportunities, which
also tie to our Center for Professional Development, part of the
decadal strategic plan.
10 GSA TODAY | January 2022