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Analysis of Skills Sought by Employers

                                 of Bachelors-Level Geoscientists

         Gregory Shafer, Karen Viskupic, Dept. of Geosciences, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho 83725, USA; Anne E. Egger, Dept. of
         Geological Sciences, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, Washington 98926, USA

         INTRODUCTION                        November 2020 from four online job search   (2020). We coded a subsample of ads to
          Bachelors-level geoscientists make up the   engines:;;   establish interrater reliability among the
         majority of the geoscience workforce, and; We lim-  three co-authors; we had 90% or greater
         positions for entry-level geoscientists are   ited our analysis to ads that preferred a bach-  agreement on all codes and Cohen’s Kappa
         expected to grow rapidly over the next   elor’s degree in geoscience or a related field   value of 0.84.
         decade, with some jobs anticipating upward   and required less than five years of experi-
         of 10% growth (National Center for O*NET   ence. A total of 1,214 unique ads met these   WHAT WE FOUND
         Development, 2021). Are geoscience depart-  criteria. Occupation names and industry sec-  Fourteen skills occurred in a third or more
         ments adequately preparing undergraduate   tors, described in AGI’s 2018 Status of the   of the 1,214 ads analyzed (Fig. 1), with four
         students to succeed in these positions?  Geoscience  Workforce  report (Wilson,   of  those—written  communication,  field
          Answering this question requires exam-  2018), were assigned to each ad based on job   skills, data collection, and computer skills—
         ining the alignment of undergraduate pro-  title and description of duties. The most com-  occurring in more than half of the ads.
         gram outcomes and workforce needs. The   mon occupations in our sample were geolo-  Several skill categories were represented by
         results allow faculty to identify strengths   gist, environmental scientist, and natural   the most commonly occurring skills, but
         and  weaknesses  in  their  programs  with   resource specialist, following a distribution   seven of the most common skills were in
         respect to workforce preparation (e.g.,   similar to the AGI report (Table 1).  Data Skills and Communication. Three of
         Viskupic  et  al.,  2020).  How  well  do  we   Ads were coded for 34 skills; many were   the most common skills  were  emergent
         know workforce needs? Vision and Change   listed by Mosher and Keane (2021) and   codes that were not identified  by  Mosher
         in the Geosciences (Mosher and Keane,   others emerged through multiple rounds of   and Keane (2021): ability to drive, planning
         2021) provides a list of competencies and   coding ad subsamples. We defined the skills   skills, and record keeping/documentation.
         skills necessary for new graduates to suc-  and organized them into categories (e.g.,   Two  skills  in  Vision and Change  in the
         ceed in the workforce; the list was gener-  data skills, communication skills) accord-  Geosciences were rarely coded in any ads:
         ated by academics (n ~200) and employers   ing to the classification of Viskupic et al.   systems thinking and managing uncertainty.
         (n = 46) in a series of workshops. This list,
         while comprehensive and insightful, repre-    TABLE 1. PERCENT OCCUPATIONAL DISTRIBUTION BY INDUSTRY SECTOR
         sents input from a relatively small sample of
         geoscience employers and may overrepre-  Industry sector                        Study sample  2018 AGI data
         sent the petroleum industry (26% of indus-  Professional, scientific, and technical services  39.0  35.9
         try workshop  participants), which has not   Federal government                    15.9          10.2
         been a significant employer of bachelors-  State government                        9.4           14.2
         level geoscientists (Gonzales and Keane,   Construction                            6.6           0.2
         2021). Our goal was to characterize the   Waste management and remediation services  4.5         1.5
         skills sought by the full range of bachelors-  Information services                4.0           0.0
         level geoscience employers and how these   Local government                        3.6           8.7
         skills are communicated to potential appli-  Testing laboratories                  2.0           N.D.
         cants—with an eye toward providing infor-  Utilities                               1.9           1.5
         mation that would allow academic leaders   Computer systems and design             1.8           N.D.
         to examine the alignment between their   Education*                                1.5           13.4
         programs and workforce needs.       Oil and gas                                    1.5           7.6
                                             Scientific research and development            1.2           N.D.
         WHAT WE DID                         Finance and insurance                          0.7           0.0
                                             Transport and warehousing
          We designed a systematic study to code   Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting  0.4       1.5
         online geoscience job advertisements (here-  N.D. = no data.
         after referred to as “ads”) for workforce   *Jobs in K–12 education are largely not advertised using the search engines included in this study and thus
         skills. Ads were retrieved between May and   are underrepresented in our data compared to the AGI data.
         GSA Today, v. 32, CC-BY-NC.
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