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Important Dates Official GSA Locations
Now open: Abstracts submission Colorado Convention Center
700 14th Street, Denver, Colorado 80202, USA
Now open: Non-technical event space/event listing system
Hyatt Regency Denver at the Colorado Convention Center
June: Housing opens (Hyatt Regency)
650 15th Street, Denver, Colorado 80202, USA
Early June: Registration and travel grant applications open
6 June: Meeting room request deadline—fees increase after this date
19 July: Abstracts deadline
Late July: Student volunteer program opens
6 September: Early registration deadline
6 September: GSA Sections travel grants deadline
12 September: Registration and student volunteer cancelation
14 September: Housing deadline for discounted hotel rates Blue Bear at Colorado Convention Center. Photo courtesy of Visit Denver.
Keep Our Meeting Safe and Inclusive
GSA is committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and profes- RESPECTFUL INCLUSIVE
sional environment for all our events, including meetings, field SCIENTIFIC EVENTS (RISE)
trips, short courses, mentorships, and other GSA-supported pro- GSA established RISE in 2016. Under this
grams. Maintaining safe, inclusive events is critical to GSA’s suc- program, GSA uses conspicuous posters to
cess because it promotes full participation and a sense of belong- remind meeting participants of our Events Code
ing, which in turn fosters open dialogue, networking, and the of Conduct and whom to call to report concerns.
productive exchange of scientific ideas. GSA takes all concerns seriously and has established procedures
to ensure that appropriate follow up occurs. Typically, GSA’s eth-
EVENTS CODE OF CONDUCT ics & compliance officer has an on-site RISE office at the annual
GSA’s Events Code of Conduct provides examples of acceptable meeting. We also have trained dozens of GSA members and staff
and unacceptable conduct for all our events, including our expecta- as RISE liaisons. These individuals attend all major GSA events
tion that all GSA events will be free of discrimination, harassment, and have been coached on what to do if they receive a complaint
and bullying. The Events Code of Conduct applies to everyone who or witness a potential Events Code of Conduct violation.
attends GSA events, including but not limited to registrants, guests,
volunteers, exhibitors, staff, and service providers. Attendees are To read the Events Code of Conduct and learn about GSA’s other
required to read and sign the Events Code of Conduct before regis- ethics initiatives, go to the ethics homepage at
tering for GSA meetings. ethics.
12 GSA TODAY | June 2022