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                                              Short Courses

                                       Learn and explore a new topic. Build your skills.

         Early registration deadline: 6 Sept. Early registration is highly   MDT. US$40. Limit: 50. CEU: 0.4. Instructors: Morgan Sander-
         recommended to ensure that courses will run.          Olhoeft, Guideline Geo Americas Inc.; Harry Higgs, Guideline
         Registration after 6 Sept. will cost an additional US$30.  Geo Americas Inc. Course Endorser: Guideline Geo.
         Cancelation deadline: 12 Sept.
                                                                             504. Introduction to Geostatistical Modeling
          Can I take a short course if I am not registered for the meet-  of Geochemical Data. Thurs., 29 Sept., 8 a.m.–noon MDT and
         ing? YES! You’re welcome to—just add the meeting nonregistrant   Fri., 30 Sept., 8 a.m.–noon MDT. US$50 professionals; US$25
         fee (US$55) by 6 Sept. to your course enrollment cost. Should you   students. Limit: 50. CEU: 0.8. Instructors: Abani Samal,
         then decide to attend the meeting, your payment will be applied   GeoGlobal LLC; Sankar Sasidharan, Harte Research Institute.
         toward meeting registration.
          GSA K–12 teacher members: You are welcome to take short   505. How to Create Your Own 3D Videogame-Style Geologic
         courses without registering for the meeting or paying the non-  Field Trip and Host it Online: Accessible, Immersive Data
         registrant fee.                                       Visualization for Education and Research. Fri., 30 Sept.,
          Continuing education units (CEUs): Most professional   9:30 a.m.–5 p.m. MDT. US$40. Limit: 40. CEU: 0.7. Instructors:
         development courses and workshops offer CEUs. One CEU   Mattathias (Max) Needle, University of Washington; John Akers,
         equals 10 hours of participation in an organized continuing    University of Washington; Juliet Crider, University of Washington.
         education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable   Course Endorser: GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division.
         direction, and qualified instruction.
          See  FRIDAY COURSES
         short or contact Jennifer Nocerino,,
         for course abstracts and additional information.             506. Geological Modeling and Uncertainties Using
                                                               Multiple Point Statistics. Fri., 7 Oct., 8 a.m.–5 p.m. US$115.
         ONLINE COURSES                                        Limit: 20. CEU: 0.8. Instructors: Mats Lundh Gulbrandsen,
                                                               I-GIS; Tom Martlev Pallesen, I-GIS. Course Endorser: I-GIS.
         501. NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)
         Proposal Preparation Course. Mon., 26 Sept., 8 a.m.–noon MDT.       507. Exploring Surface Processes with the
         US$20. Limit: 30. CEU: 0.4. Instructors: Kristina Butler, University   CSDMS Workbench: Building Coupled Models. Fri., 7 Oct.,
         of Texas at Austin; Sarah George, University of Arizona. Course   9 a.m.–5 p.m. US$60. Limit: 40. CEU: 0.8. Instructors: Mark Piper,
         Endorser: GSA Geoscience Education Division.          University of Colorado Boulder; Benjamin Campforts, University
                                                               of Colorado Boulder. Course Endorser: CSDMS@HydroShare.
         502. Climate Adaptation Planning for Emergency Management.
         Tues., 27 Sept., 10 a.m.–2 p.m. MDT and Wed., 28 Sept., 10 a.m.–    508. Multiphysics Modeling for the Geosciences.
         2 p.m. MDT. FREE. Limit: 50. CEU: 0.8. Instructors: Jeff Rubin,   Fri., 7 Oct., 8 a.m.–5 p.m. US$160. Limit: 30. CEU: 0.8.
         semi-retired emergency manager; Monica Gowan, independent    Instructors: Susan Sakimoto, Space Science Institute; Heidi
         consultant. Course Endorsers: GSA Geology and Health Division;   Haviland, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. Course Endorsers:
         GSA Geology and Society Division; GSA Mineralogy,     GSA Planetary Geology Division; GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry,
         Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology Division; National   Petrology, and Volcanology Division; COMSOL Inc.
         Disaster Preparedness Training Center (NDPTC) at the University
         of Hawai’i; Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).  509. Methods and Geological Applications in Geo-Thermo-
                                                               Petro-Chronology I. Fri., 7 Oct., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. US$40. Limit: 50.
                       503. Resistivity Surveying: Getting the Best   CEU: 0.7. Instructors: Sarah George, University of Arizona;
         and Making the Most from Electrical Resistivity Tomography   George Gehrels, University of Arizona; Kurt Sundell, Idaho State
         and Induced Polarization Data. Thurs., 29 Sept., 8 a.m.–noon

                                                    INDUSTRY TRACKS
                               GSA’s program offers short courses relevant to applied geoscientists.
                                 Look for these icons, which identify sessions in the following areas:

                Economic Geology              Energy                  Engineering            Hydrogeology and
                                                                                            Environmental Geology

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