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In Memoriam

                The Society notes with regret the deaths of the following members (notifications received between 23 December 2021
                 and 1 May 2022). Memorials to deceased members are published open access at
                             Visit that page for links to information on how to honor someone with a memorial.

         Richard T. Bell                     Leon T. Silver                     Loren M. Toohey
         Toronto, Ontario, Canada            Pasadena, California, USA          Houston, Texas, USA
         Date of death: 15 January 2022      Date of death: 31 January 2022     Notified 11 February 2022

         Peter W. Birkeland                  Colin W. Stearn                    George W. Whitney
         Boulder, Colorado, USA              Waterloo, Ontario, Canada          Denver, Colorado, USA
         Date of death: 25 January 2022      Notified 20 January 2022           Date of death: 15 December 2021
         Roberto Molina Garza                Rowland W. Tabor                   Jean A. Wosinski
         Querétaro, Mexico                   Portola Valley, California, USA    Corning, New York, USA
         Date of death: 29 December 2021     Date of death: 13 January 2022     Date of death: 4 December 2021

                The Art of Finding Springs, Second Edition

                A Translation of L’Art de Découvrir les Sources, Seconde Édition

                         By Abbé Jean-Baptiste Paramelle; translated by Patricia Bobeck

               The Art of Finding Springs, Second Edition                                 SPECIAL PAPER 539
              A Translation of L’Art de Découvrir les Sources, Seconde Édition
                    By Abbé Jean-Baptiste Paramelle  Abbé Paramelle (1790–1875) published The Art of Finding Springs in 1856 as a how-to
                     Translated by Patricia Bobeck
                                                  karst plateau in southwestern France. Between 1833 and 1854, upon request, Paramelle
                                                  explored 40 of France’s departments and found groundwater in 10,000 places based
                                                  on his observational method, which used geology and geomorphology, at a time when
                                                  these sciences were in their infancy. Paramelle’s method was used until the 1970s to
                                                  into German and Spanish in the mid-
                                                  translator has included detailed notes and an introduction providing extensive historical
                                Cross section of a vale
                                whose bottom is filled
                                with transported    background about this largely unknown hydrogeologist.
                                                                SPE539, xvii + 127 p., ISBN 9780813725390
           Paper                                                        toll-free 1.800.472.1988
           539      Special Paper 539
                                                                        1.303.357.1000, option 3
                                                         Buy online at

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