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Western Science Center                                Texas Christian University
         Yellowstone Bighorn Research Association (YBRA)       Texas Tech University
                                                               The University of Houston
         LARGE BOOTHS                                          Tulane University, Dept. of Earth & Environmental Sciences
         Crystals Unlimited                                    University of Alaska Anchorage
         National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA)    University of Arizona, Geosciences Dept.
         National Park Service/National Cave and Karst Research Institute  University of California–Davis, Earth and Planetary Sciences
          (NCKRI)—CavSim                                       University of Connecticut, Dept. of Geosciences
                                                               University of Florida, Geological Sciences
         CAMPUS CONNECTION                                     University of Idaho, Geological Sciences
         American Museum of Natural History                    University of Illinois, Dept. of Geology
         Auburn University, Dept. of Geosciences               University of Kansas
         California State University–Sacramento, Dept. of Geology  University of Michigan
         California State University Northridge                University of Minnesota, Dept. of Earth Sciences
         Central Washington University                         University of Minnesota, Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences
         Colorado School of Mines, Dept. Geology & Geology Engineering  University of Mississippi
         East Carolina University                              University of Missouri
         GeoCamp Iceland                                       University of Nevada–Las Vegas
         Geologic TimeScale Foundation                         University of Notre Dame
         Indiana University-Bloomington, Dept. of Biology      University of Oklahoma, School of Geology and Geophysics
         Kansas State University Libraries                     University of Southern California
         Louisiana State University, Dept. of Geology & Geophysics  University of Southern California, Dept. of Earth Sciences
         Miami University, News and Communication Office       University of Texas at Austin–Jackson School of Geosciences
         Mississippi State University, Dept. of Geosciences    University of Texas at Dallas
         Missouri State University, Geography, Geology and Planning)  University of Texas at San Antonio, College of Engineering
         Missouri University of Science and Technology         University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
         Oklahoma State University                             University of Wisconsin–Madison
         Oregon State University                               University of Wyoming
         Rice University–Environmental Analysis and Decision Making  Utah State University, Dept. of Geology
         Rutgers University, Earth & Planetary Sciences Dept.  Vanderbilt University
         San Diego State University                            Washington State University
         Syracuse University                                   West Virginia University
         Texas A&M University                                  Western Colorado University
         Texas A&M–Galveston                                   Western Michigan University

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