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         Joint Southeastern &

         Northeastern Sections

         72nd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section, GSA
         58th Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Section, GSA

         Reston, Virginia, USA | 17–19 March 2023

         Sediments, Structures, Shores, and Storms: Keeping a
         Keen Eye on Eastern Geology                           Reston Town Center water fountain. Photo credit: J. Rodysill.

          In 2020, ten days before the Joint Meeting of the 69th Annual   TECHNICAL PROGRAM
         Meeting of GSA’s Southeastern Section and the 55th Annual   Symposia
         Meeting of GSA’s Northeastern Section, we made the critical deci-  S1.    Sea-Level History from the U.S. East Coast—Insights
         sion to cancel the meeting due to the rising global threat from   for Projecting Future Change. Robert Poirier, U.S.
         COVID-19. In the following days, a global pandemic and national   Geological Survey,; Michael Toomey,
         emergency were declared, and our lives have since changed. Two   U.S. Geological Survey,; Thomas M.
         and a half years later, we are excited to have the opportunity    Cronin, U.S. Geological Survey,
         to host the joint meeting of the Southeastern and Northeastern
         Sections. We have rebuilt a robust and diverse technical program   S2.   Deciphering the Devonian World, from Biotic to
         that links together the geology of the southeastern and northeast-  Environmental Crises across the Globe. Sarah Carmichael,
         ern U.S. and examines many key issues, including sea-level rise,   Appalachian State University,;
         climate and environmental change, energy and critical minerals,   Cole Edwards, Appalachian State University, edwardsct4@
         and diversity, equity, and inclusion in the geosciences. The pro-; Diana Boyer, Winthrop University, boyerd@
         gram has many opportunities for students—our greatest resource; Daniel Doctor, U.S. Geological Survey,
         for the future—to develop and build their career paths. We look
         forward to seeing you at the joint meeting. Reston will rock!
                                                               S3.   Internal and External Controls on Landscape Evolution.
         LOCATION                                                   Kristin Chilton, Virginia Tech,; Charlie
          The meeting will be held in Reston, Virginia, USA. Situated at   Shobe, West Virginia University,
         the Fall Zone and the transition from the southern to the central
         and northern Appalachians, Reston provides a unique vantage   S4.   Enhancing Diversity in the Geosciences. Alexander Gates,
         point to examine all aspects of eastern geology. Reston is a mod-  Rutgers University,; Marilyn Suiter,
         ern, planned community located in northern Virginia. The numer-  National Science Foundation,
         ous historic and cultural attractions of Washington, D.C., are just a
         short distance away and ready to be explored. Immediately outside   S5.   Environmental Radionuclides: Geochemical Behavior,
         of the Hyatt Regency Reston lies a mix of bistros, restaurants, and   Tracer Applications, and Potential Health Consequences.
         shops along an extensive pedestrian mall. Take a field trip across   Jim Kaste, William & Mary Geology,;
         the Blue Ridge or to the Atlantic Coastal Plain, visit Capitol Hill,   Joshua D. Landis, Dartmouth College, Joshua.D.Landis@
         or see the connections between geology and the terrain of a Civil
         War battlefield. We invite you to join us at Reston 2023 to enjoy a
         broad scope of technical sessions, symposia, short courses, and   S6.   The Grenville Orogen in Eastern North America.
         field trips that will help us keep a keen eye on eastern geology.  Greg Walsh, U.S. Geological Survey,;
                                                                    Paul Mueller, University of Florida,;
         CALL FOR PAPERS                                            Peter Valley, U.S. Geological Survey,
         Abstracts deadline: 13 Dec.
         Submit online at            S7.   From the Margins to the Deep: A Tribute to the Science
         Abstract submission fee: GSA members: professionals US$30;   and Art of A. Conrad Neumann. Blair Tormey, Western
         students US$18; non-members: professionals US$60; students   Carolina University,; Al Hine, University
         US$36.                                                     of South Florida,; Paul Hearty, University of
          If you cannot submit an abstract online, please contact Heather   Texas at Austin,

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