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GSA Today  Science Editor Changes

                          R. Damian Nance completed his term of      Incoming science editor Gerald (Jerry)    Steven J. Whitmeyer, associate professor
                          service as GSA Today science editor in     Dickens is a professor in the Department  of structural geology and tectonics at
                          December 2014. Nance is Distinguished      of Earth Science at Rice University. His  James Madison University, remains
                          Professor of Geological Sciences at Ohio   research interests range from Cenozoic    onboard through December 2018. He is
                          University, where he has taught since      climate change to marine methane          primarily interested in tectonic evolution
                          1980. In 1982, Nance, along with fellow    cycling, mixed siliciclastic-carbonate    through time and uses structural and
                          department member Tom Worsley,             margins, and sediment-hosted ore          geospatial analyses to develop and visu-
                          proposed the supercontinent cycle, the     deposits. He previously was chief editor  alize tectonic reconstructions. He has
                          now-substantiated theory that Earth’s      of AGU’s Paleoceanography.                co-edited two GSA Special Papers (Google
                          geologic, climatic, and biological evolu-                                            Earth and Virtual Visualizations in
                          tion has been dominated by the episodic                                              Geoscience Education and Research and
                          assembly and breakup of supercontinents.                                             Field Geology Education: Historical
                                                                                                               Perspectives and Modern Approaches) and
                                                                                                               one GSA Field Guide (The Mid-Atlantic
                                                                                                               Shore to the Appalachian Highlands: Field
                                                                                                               Trip Guidebook for the 2010 Joint Meeting
                                                                                                               of the Northeastern and Southeastern GSA
                                                                                                               Sections). Learn more at

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