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Hotel Critical Dates

22 Oct.: All changes, cancellations, and name substitutions must
be finalized through Visit Baltimore/GSA Housing by this date.
At this time the hotel(s) are still holding the rooms in the GSA
block under The Geological Society of America. The hotels will
download their room lists on this date.

23 Oct.: Beginning on this date, you must contact the hotel                 Childcare
directly for all changes, cancellations, and new reservations. The     by KiddieCorp
hotel(s) will now have individual names on each of the reserva-
tions in the GSA room block. Visit Baltimore Housing Services/            The youngest attendees can enjoy the meeting while
GSA Housing Bureau will continue to assist you in finding a hotel.     you are in sessions by participating in the KiddieCorp
                                                                       childcare program. The program is open to children six
Please continue to check our website for updates on hotel avail-       months to 12 years for only US$9 per hour per child (two
ability. We can provide you with an up-to-date list of hotels that     hour min.). Register online through the GSA website.
have availability and give you a rate range. If you still have ques-
tions about hotel reservations, contact Becky Sundeen at GSA,

How does GSA protect my room reservation?

GSA signs contracts with each hotel in the official GSA room
block. Each hotel agrees to provide a room for each reservation
made through Visit Baltimore/GSA Housing Bureau. In the event
that the hotel is unable to honor reservations, the hotel must make
the following arrangements:

1. 	Provide you with alternative accommodations at a comparable        Visit the Exhibit Hall                                            GSA TODAY |
  hotel, first using hotels that are part of the GSA block;                      and the

2. 	Pay the first night’s room and tax at the comparable hotel AND     GSA Headquarters
  provide an amenity and note of apology from the hotel’s general                 Booth
  manager upon your return to the original hotel;
                                                                         The Exhibit Hall opens at 2 p.m. on Sunday and closes at the
3. 	Pay the transportation costs to the comparable hotel as well as    end of the Exhibits Opening Reception, which runs from
  the return to the hotel the following day;                           5:30 to 7 p.m. Please join us then, and check your badges for a
                                                                       free drink ticket!
4. 	Pay transportation costs for two round trips per day to and
  from the comparable hotel and the convention center.                   Plan to visit the GSA Headquarters Booth throughout the
                                                                       meeting for exciting activities, presentations, giveaways,
Your responsibility is to arrive on your scheduled arrival date.       and displays.
Double-check the arrival date on your hotel reservation to make sure
it’s correct. If you do not check in on the date scheduled, the hotel    Book signing: Simon Winchester will be on-hand on Sunday,
will release your room and you will be charged one night’s room fee    5:45–7 p.m., to sign copies of his newly released book, Pacific,
plus tax. If you have travel delays and cannot arrive as scheduled,    as well as The Map That Changed the World, both of which will be
contact the hotel staff directly to let them know of the change.       available for purchase (brought to you by GSA’s Geology and
                                                                       Society Division).

                                                                         View a newly rediscovered, high-quality facsimile, pristine
                                                                       first edition of William Smith’s 1815 Geological Map of England
                                                                       and Wales from the Geological Society of London’s Library.
                                                                       This will only be available to view at certain times during the
                                                                       meeting—check at the headquarters booth for details.


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