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                                                                    LUNCHTIME ENLIGHTENMENT

                                                                     Bring your lunch!

                                                              Baltimore Convention Center, Room 327/328/329
                                                                    Mon.–Wed., 2–4 Nov., 12:15–1:15 p.m.

                          Grab your lunch at a nearby convention center vendor and enjoy a little
                            lunchtime enlightenment during GSA’s Feed Your Brain series.

                          Monday                                   Tuesday                                     Wednesday

                          James Balog, Founder & President, Earth  Marcia McNutt, Editor-in-Chief of Science   Ellen Stofan, NASA Chief Scientist:
                          Vision Institute & Extreme Ice Survey:   and former USGS director: 2015 Michel T.    “Science at NASA: Exploring Planets in This
                          “The Art & Science of Chasing Ice.”      Halbouty Lecturer & GSA Geology &           Solar System and Beyond” (see highlights
                          See the August issue of GSA Today for    Society Division Distinguished Lecturer:    below).
                          talk highlights.                         “Deepwater Horizons: Lessons Learned
                                                                   for Better Disaster Preparedness.” See the
                                                                   September issue of GSA Today for talk

                          Science at NASA: Exploring Planets in This Solar System and Beyond

                          Ellen Stofan, NASA Chief Scientist

GSA TODAY | OCTOBER 2015                                Wednesday, 4 Nov., 12:15–1:15 p.m.        Talk highlights: From the most recent results from Mars and
                                                                                                  Pluto to the latest detection of exoplanets, NASA spacecraft results
                                                        Ellen Stofan was appointed NASA chief     are changing the way we think about how planets evolve and their
                                                        scientist in 2013, serving as principal   potential for habitability. The 22 spacecraft in orbit around Earth
                                                        advisor to the NASA Administrator on      are monitoring the planet to document and quantify how it is
                                                        the agency’s science programs and         changing. Efforts to expand citizen science at NASA will bring the
                                                        science-related strategic planning and    scientific process and the excitement of discovery to an ever
                                                        investments. Her research has focused     broader, more diverse, and global audience.
                                                        on the geology of Venus, Mars, Titan,
                                                        and Earth. Stofan is an associate member
                          of the Cassini Radar Team, a co-investigator on the Mars Express
                          Mission’s MARSIS sounder, and was honorary professor in the
                          Department of Earth Sciences at University College London. She
                          was principal investigator on the Titan Mare Explorer, a proposed
                          mission to send a floating lander to a sea on Titan.


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