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We need to talk: Facilitating communication between field-
based geoscience and cyberinfrastructure communities
GSA TODAY | NOVEMBER 2015 Matty Mookerjee*, Daniel Vieira, Dept. of Geology, Sonoma State particular, the field-based geosciences have lagged behind other
University, Rohnert Park, California 94928, USA; Marjorie A. Chan, subdisciplines with respect to developing a cyberinfrastructure for
Dept. of Geology & Geophysics, The University of Utah, Salt Lake their datasets. This is likely due to the fact that most field data is
City, Utah 84112, USA; Yolanda Gil, Information Sciences Institute, collected and recorded in an analog format (e.g., Brunton
University of Southern California, Marina del Rey, California 90292, compass, field notebook, and sketches) and through various
USA; Charles Goodwin, Dept. of Applied Linguistics, University of personalized conventions. The additional step of digitizing these
California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 90095, USA; data is often onerous. In order to facilitate the development of
Thomas F. Shipley, Dept. of Psychology, Temple University, cyberinfrastructure for the field-based geosciences, digitization
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122, USA; and Basil Tikoff, Dept. of processes must be incorporated into the typical geoscience work-
Geoscience, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, flow in a way that is as unobtrusive as possible (e.g., digital field
Wisconsin 53706, USA notebooks, digital compasses, voice recognition software, digital
pens, etc.). These potential solutions need to be developed in
A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY FOR CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE tandem with the cyberinfrastructure for managing these datasets.
This is why it is critical to get the cyberinfrastructure and the
It is increasingly important to integrate datasets and models from field-based geoscience communities together and communicating
multiple geoscience subdisciplines in order to significantly advance effectively. Field-based geoscientists need the cyberinfrastructure
our knowledge of how the planet works. To facilitate interdisci- community to advise them on the efficient collection of data for
plinary investigations, geoscientists need a cyberinfrastructure that optimal digitization, while keeping them grounded in what is
will easily access and combine datasets from all of the current and technically feasible. The geoscience community must engage and
future geo-community databases. To this end, NSF introduced the communicate their current and anticipated needs along with their
EarthCube initiative ( to “create a community- specific data formats and requirements in order to design an effec-
driven data and knowledge management system that will allow for tive data management system.
unprecedented data sharing across the geosciences.” The ultimate
goal of EarthCube is to transform Earth science investigations by BRINGING CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE RESEARCHERS INTO
promoting efficient data access, incorporating cyberinfrastructure THE FIELD
into our scientific workflow, and allowing for increased sophistica-
tion of analyses and models (Gil et al., 2014; Kelbert, 2014; Richard et In order to facilitate the necessary communication between
al., 2014). A significant strength of EarthCube is its potential to field-based geoscience and cyberinfrastructure communities, we
create sustained communication across the subfields within the proposed the currently funded NSF EarthCube project: “(EC3)
Earth sciences, allowing scientists to ask new types of questions, and Earth-centered communication for cyberinfrastructure:
providing the means to address previously unanswerable ones. Challenges of field data collection, management and integration.”
Examples of specific use cases are available on the EarthCube With this project, we brought together various field-based geolo-
webpage; however, using machine learning to extract data from gists with computer scientists and a cognitive psychologist in a
published articles (e.g., DeepDive []) field setting. In August of 2014, 32 field-trip participants (12
and curating useful software/scripts (e.g., GeoSoft [http://www.isi. computer scientists, 10 geoscientists, four graduate students, three
edu/ikcap/geosoft/]) are two widely applicable examples of undergraduates, two applied linguists, and one cognitive scientist)
EarthCube outcomes. traveled to Yosemite and Owens Valley, California, USA, in order
to discuss cyberinfrastructure-related issues. There is no better
While the technical issues of interconnecting all existing place to gain an appreciation for the field geologist’s workflow
community databases are significant challenges, an even more than in the field itself. For the same reasons that we bring students
fundamental issue needs to be addressed: Not all communities into the field to explain fundamental concepts in the Earth
have a database or the institutional support to manage one. In sciences, the field provides an excellent venue for engaging with
order for EarthCube to be successful, data from all subdisciplines computer scientists about the multiple scales and interconnec-
need to be represented in the data management system. In tions of geological data, data collection strategies and techniques,
GSA Today, v. 25, no. 11, doi: 10.1130/GSATG248GW.1.