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Field- and lab-based                                 Regional and global                                                                             EXAMPLE 1: CHARACTERIZING HABITABILITY AND
imaging spectroscopy                               geologic units identified                                                                         SEARCHING FOR BIOSIGNATURES IN SERPENTINE-
                                                                                                                                                     BEARING ROCK
        Fine-scale units within
             rocks identified                                                                                                                          The serpentinization process liberates molecular hydrogen that
                                                                                                                                                     can sustain microbial communities and react through biotic and
                               Headwall  CAO-      CRISM                                                   Mineral associations Basic compositional  abiotic processes to form methane (e.g., Kelley et al., 2001, 2005;
                                         AToMS                                                                                                       Sleep et al., 2004; Oze and Sharma, 2005; Schulte et al., 2006;
                hyperspectral                                      OMEGA        determined                                                           Cardace and Hoehler, 2009; Etiope and Sherwood Lollar, 2013;
                                                               M3                                                                                    McCollom and Seewald, 2013). The oxidation states and coordi-
                               UCIS         AVIRIS Hyperion                                                                                          nation environments of iron produce diagnostic absorption
                                                                                                                                                     features readily detected and mapped with imaging spectroscopy
Spectral bands                              HyMap                                                                                                    but not so easily spatially resolved with traditional analysis tech-
                                                                                                                                                     niques. In serpentinized bodies, the oxidation state and iron coor-
                multispectral        WorldView-3                                differences distinguished                                            dination chemistry are related to the volume of hydrogen
                                                                                                                                                     produced and the availability of reduced gasses capable of
                               Mastcam/            ASTER                                                                                             supporting microbial metabolisms (Marcaillou et al., 2011;
                                                                                                                                                     Andreani et al., 2013). Though degrees of serpentinization are not
                               Pancam           ThemLaisTnhVdesISmatis IRMODIS                                                                       readily apparent visually, work by Greenberger et al. (2015b) used
                                    HiRISE                                                                                                           imaging spectroscopy in the 0.42–1.1 µm region to map the depth
                                                                                                                                                     of an electronic transition of tetrahedrally coordinated Fe3+ occur-
                µm m                                                            km                                                                   ring at 0.45 µm as a proxy for hydrogen production. Using new
                                                                                                                                                     imaging data that cover an extended wavelength range (0.40–2.5
                                      Spatial resolution                                                                                             µm; Fig. 2), the 0.45 µm feature is shown with the two dominant
                                                                                                                                                     minerals, carbonate and serpentine, which exhibit sharp vibra-
Figure 1. Conceptual plot of the relative spectral sampling versus the spatial                                                                       tional absorptions mapped through calculation of the depths of
scales of observations by various imaging systems and the gap that ground-                                                                           these features (Clark and Roush, 1984) and other spectral param-
based imaging spectroscopy fills (dashed box). Blue text indicates imaging                                                                           eters (data processing algorithms are described in the GSA
systems on Earth, red italicized text is for Mars, and gray bolded text is for the                                                                   Supplemental Data Repository1). Different portions of this sample
Moon. The number of spectral bands and the spatial resolutions used in this                                                                          have undergone different degrees of serpentinization; those areas
plot are generally those in the visible-shortwave infrared regions. The Headwall                                                                     with tetrahedral Fe3+ have undergone advanced serpentinization
and Ultra Compact Imaging Spectrometer (UCIS) imagers were used to                                                                                   and are promising areas to search with still higher spatial resolu-
acquire data presented in this paper. ASTER—Advanced Spaceborne Thermal                                                                              tion compositional or isotopic techniques (e.g., scanning electron
Emission and Reflection Radiometer; AVIRIS—Airborne Visible/Infrared                                                                                 microscopy, mass spectrometry) for microbial biosignatures and
Imaging Spectrometer; CAO-AToMS—Carnegie Airborne Observatory–                                                                                       to understand the production of reduced gases.
Airborne Taxonomic Mapping System; CRISM—Compact Reconnaissance
Imaging Spectrometer for Mars; M3—Moon Mineralogy Mapper; OMEGA—                                                                                     EXAMPLE 2: HYDROTHERMAL ALTERATION AND
Observatoire pour la Minéralogie, l’Eau, les Glaces et l’Activité; HiRISE—High                                                                       DIAGENESIS OF LACUSTRINE PILLOW BASALTS
Resolution Imaging Spectrometer Experiment; MODIS—Moderate Resolution
Imaging Spectrometer; THEMIS VIS/IR—Thermal Emission Imaging System                                                                                    Alteration rinds illuminate conditions of water-rock interac-
(visible/infrared).                                                                                                                                  tions, and progressive changes from interior to exterior reflect
                                                                                                                                                     increasing degrees of alteration (e.g., Hausrath et al., 2008). With
mission (Van Gorp et al., 2014), and the MicrOmega instrument                                                                                        sub-millimeter spatial resolutions, imaging spectroscopy               GSA TODAY |
will be on the upcoming ExoMars rover and Hayabusa-2 mission                                                                                         measurements of alteration rinds resolve fine changes in miner-
(Pilorget and Bibring, 2013). An orbital VSWIR imaging spec-                                                                                         alogy with alteration. Data from an Early Jurassic lacustrine
trometer has also been selected to fly to Europa. The shortwave                                                                                      pillow lava from the Hartford Basin are shown in Figure 3
infrared wavelengths are critical for mineralogic analyses                                                                                           (Greenberger et al., 2015a). In this work, coordinated imaging
because unique overtones and combination tones of vibrations                                                                                         spectroscopy, electron microprobe, microscopic X-ray diffraction,
within mineral structures occur in this region. The visible wave-                                                                                    microscopic thermal emission spectroscopy, and microscopic
lengths alone cannot distinguish mineralogies. While not the                                                                                         Raman spectroscopy analyses of a thick section across an altera-
focus of this paper, similar systems are in development to                                                                                           tion rind (Fig. 3C) characterized spectral, mineralogic, and chem-
measure thermal infrared emissivity in the laboratory (e.g.,                                                                                         ical transformations. Unexpected key identifications with imaging
Edwards and Christensen, 2013). There is a steadily growing                                                                                          spectroscopy include calcic clinopyroxenes interpreted to have
suite of literature on the use of imaging spectroscopy of outcrops                                                                                   formed through >400 °C hydrothermal alteration (e.g., Bird et al.,
and samples, including core scanning, to answer geologically                                                                                         1984; Manning and Bird, 1986), pervasive oxidation, Fe/
relevant questions (e.g., Kruse et al., 2012; Kurz et al., 2012;                                                                                     Mg-phyllosilicate signatures that increase in strength toward the
Murphy et al., 2012, 2014; Butz et al., 2015; Greenberger et al.,                                                                                    exterior, and higher water content of calcites in the rind, either as
2015a, 2015b; Yokoyama et al., 2015). Here we highlight some
exciting applications of this emerging, non-destructive tech-
nology and the science discoveries enabled.

1 GSA supplemental data item 2015342, imaging spectroscopy methods and calibration, is online at You can also request a copy
from GSA Today, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140, USA;

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