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GSA2015 ANNUAL MEETING & EXPOSITION                                GSA TODAY |

                Call for Papers                                                                        13

   Abstracts deadline: 11 August


• 	 To begin your submission, go to

• 	 A fee of US$45 for professionals and US$25 for students will be
  charged for each abstract submission;

• 	 Please review the two-abstract rule below;
• 	 Submission deadline: Tuesday, 11 August.

Poster Presenters

• 	 You will be provided with one horizontal, freestanding 8-ft-
  wide by 4-ft-high display board, and Velcro for hanging your
  display is provided at no charge.

• 	 Each poster booth will share a 6-ft-long by 30-inch-wide table.
• 	 Electricity will not be available this year, so please plan your

  presentation accordingly.
• 	 Wi-Fi will be available in the poster hall area.
• 	 Posters should be on display 9 a.m.–5:30 p.m. on Sunday, with

  authors present 3:30–5:30 p.m. Monday–Wednesday, posters
  should be on display 9 a.m.–6:30 p.m., with authors present
  during the afternoon beer reception, 5–6:30 p.m.
• 	 Want to present your poster digitally? As a poster presenter, you
  will be given the opportunity to present your poster in a digital
  format. More information will be provided in abstract accep-
  tance notices (1 Sept.). Presenters are responsible for all fees
  associated with this type of presentation.

Oral Presenters

  The normal length of an oral presentation is 12 min. plus
3 min. for questions and answers. You must visit the Speaker
Ready Room at least 24 hours before your scheduled presentation.
All technical session rooms will be equipped with a PC using
MS Office 2013.

Two-Abstract Rule

• 	 You may submit two volunteered abstracts, as long as one of the
  abstracts is for a poster presentation;

• 	 Each submitted abstract must be different in content; and
• 	 If you are invited to submit an abstract to a Pardee Keynote

  Symposium or a topical session, the invited abstracts do not
  count against the two-abstract rule.

                              2015 Joint Technical Program Committee

                                      Chair: Patrick Burkhart,
                                      Technical Program Manager: Nancy Wright,

                                      communi t y.geosociet / gsa2 015
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