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                      Topical Sessions

                       Bridging Two Continents                                            T5. Bridging Two Continents: Geologic Configuration of the
                                                                                          Tibetan Plateau Region Prior to the Indo-Asian Collision:
                      T1. Bridging Two Continents: Active Intracontinental Tectonics      Setting the Stage for Development of a High Elevation Plateau
                      in Asia and North America and the Associated Geohazards
                                                                                          Disciplines: Tectonics/Tectonophysics; Structural Geology;
                      Disciplines: Tectonics/Tectonophysics                               Sediments, Clastic

                      Advocates: Jing Liu; An Yin; Mian Liu                               Advocates: Amy L. Weislogel; Delores M. Robinson

                        Intracontinental tectonics, exemplified by the diffuse crustal      Geoscientists from diverse disciplines will assess the compli-
                      deformation in central Asia and the western U.S., and mid-          cated geologic record produced by successive tectonic collisions,
                      continental earthquakes in North China and the eastern-central      with the aim of piecing together the geologic history that culmi-
                      U.S., remains enigmatic. This session seeks researchers from all    nated in Earth’s largest and highest plateau.
                      disciplines to exchange data and ideas to better understand active
                      intracontinental tectonics and associated geohazards.               T6. Bridging Two Continents: Mid-Latitude Climate during
                                                                                          Cretaceous Greenhouse States: Comparison between East Asia
                      T2. Bridging Two Continents: Advances in Crustal Subduction         and North America
                      and Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphism
                                                                                          Disciplines: Paleoclimatology/Paleoceanography; Tectonics/
                      Disciplines: Petrology, Metamorphic; Tectonics/Tectonophysics;      Tectonophysics
                                                                                          Advocates: Stephan A. Graham; Chengshan Wang
                      Advocates: Jane A. Gilotti; Yong-Fei Zheng
                                                                                            Understanding Cretaceous greenhouse climate may be helpful
                        Presentations that explore the mineralogical, petrological,       for future climate predictions. Comparison of the Terrestrial
                      geochemical, geochronologic, and tectonic aspects of crustal        Songliao Basin in East Asia and the Western Interior Seaway Basin
                      subduction and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism are welcome.         in North America facilitates integration of mid-latitude climate
                      Papers presenting theoretical, analytical, or conceptual advances   in the Cretaceous. Topics on basin evolution and paleoclimate
                      toward the understanding of deep subduction-zone processes          change are encouraged.
                      are encouraged.

GSA TODAY | MAY 2015  T3. Bridging Two Continents: Comparative Studies of                 T7. Bridging Two Continents: New Insights into the
                      Accretionary Orogenesis in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt,         Mechanisms of Continental Deformation from SinoProbe
                      North American Cordillera, and Other Orogenic Belts                 Deep Seismic Reflection Profiling and Receiver-Function
                                                                                          Studies of the Lithosphere
                      Disciplines: Structural Geology; Tectonics/Tectonophysics;
                      Sediments, Clastic                                                  Disciplines: Tectonics/Tectonophysics

                      Advocates: John Wakabayashi; Wenjiao Xiao; Laura E. Webb            Advocates: Shuwen Dong; Larry Brown

                        We seek contributions on aspects of the accretionary orogenesis     International seismological observations recently achieved
                      of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt and the North American           significant progress; the SinoProbe of China continues to explore
                      Cordillera. Comparative studies or research on either belt, or on   lithospheric structures from efforts of many scientists. This
                      other accretionary orogens, are welcome.                            session allows scientists to exchange new findings and insights,
                                                                                          and stimulates cooperation and discussion to better understand
                      T4. Bridging Two Continents: Diamonds, Zircons and Native           the mechanism of continental deformation and tectonics.
                      Elements in the Mantle: New Discoveries and Models on the
                      Properties and Petrogenesis of Oceanic Mantle Lithosphere           T8. Bridging Two Continents: Supercontinents in Earth’s
                                                                                          History: New Perspectives from Precambrian Geology of Asia
                      Disciplines: Mineralogy/Crystallography; Petrology,                 and North America
                      Metamorphic; Tectonics/Tectonophysics
                                                                                          Disciplines: Precambrian Geology; Tectonics/Tectonophysics
                      Advocates: Yildirim Dilek; Paul T. Robinson; Juhn G. Liou;
                      Jingsui Yang                                                        Advocates: Mingguo Zhai; J. Brendan Murphy; Joseph G. Meert

                        Contributions on the processes of element fluxing, crust-           This session will concentrate on paleogeographic reconstruc-
                      mantle recycling, and petrogenetic evolution of the mantle, based   tions of Precambrian paleocontinent/supercontinents with
                      on studies of ophiolites and oceanic lithosphere and using miner-   specific emphasis on Asian and North American cratons, early
                      alogical, geochemical, and geodynamic data for modeling at nano,    Earth geodynamic and tectonic processes, and the effect of super-
                      micro, and global scales are welcome.                               continent cycles on the distribution of mineral resources and
                                                                                          evolution of the hydrosphere and atmosphere.


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