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T27. Intersections of Sustainability and Geosciences                 T32. Urban Geochemistry

Disciplines: Environmental Geoscience; Geoscience Education;         Disciplines: Environmental Geoscience; Geochemistry; Geology
Geoscience Information/Communication                                 and Health

Advocates: Robert Brinkmann; Leslie North                            Advocates: W. Berry Lyons; David T. Long

  Papers are sought for a special session on sustainability and the    This session encourages presentations that qualify and quantify
geosciences. The session seeks to highlight work that combines the   the geochemical and biogeochemical impacts (temporal and
fields of sustainability and geoscience to examine or educate about  spatial) of urbanization and urban activities on soil, water, and air
environmental and/or societal problems.                              resources, as well as on human and ecosystem health.

T28. Ponder the Anthropocene                                         T33. Using Long-Term Research in the Baltimore Urban                   GSA TODAY |
                                                                     Environment in Scientific Decision Making and Education
Disciplines: Environmental Geoscience; History and Philosophy        Disciplines: Environmental Geoscience; Public Policy;
of Geology; Geoscience Information/Communication                     Geoscience Education
                                                                     Advocates: Suzanne O’Connell; Steward Pickett
Advocates: Patrick Burkhart; Paul Baldauf
                                                                       Urban environments create heat islands, modify hydrology, and
  Humans and industrialization have substantially perturbed          require large influxes of resources. The Baltimore LTER project
Earth Systems. Assessments of impacts, predictions of trends, and    investigates multiple biogeochemical systems. Data collected is
approaches to teaching environmental geology, while maintaining      used to understand the complex urban environment and educate
optimism and an undefeatable human spirit, are sought.               students and policymakers.

T29. Restoring the Nation’s Largest Estuary: Lessons Learned          Geochemistry
from Efforts to Address Changes in Water Quality and
Ecosystem Structure and Function within the Context of               T34. Deep Weathering, Ancient Landscapes, and Regolith-
Landscape Change and Climate Variability in the Chesapeake           Dominated Terrains
Bay and Its Watershed                                                Disciplines: Geochemistry; Geomorphology; Economic Geology
                                                                     Advocate: Ignacio Gonzalez-Alvarez
Disciplines: Environmental Geoscience; Public Policy;
Hydrogeology                                                           Regolith-dominated terrains extend throughout large areas of
                                                                     the world. Weathered profiles in these regions reach depths of
Advocates: Christopher P. Carlson; Scott W. Phillips; Joel D.        hundreds of meters and are complex due to weathering processes
Blomquist; Lewis C. Linker; William C. Dennison                      overprinting developed for millions of years.

  The session will focus on ecosystem response to restoration        T35. Honoring the Diverse Career of Dr. W. Berry Lyons:
policies and practices to improve water quality and habitat in       Geochemistry from Polar Deserts to Tropical Watersheds
the tidal bay and throughout the watershed, emphasizing the          Disciplines: Geochemistry; Hydrogeology; Limnogeology
influence of land use, geology, ecology, management actions,         Advocates: Sarah K. Fortner; Carolyn B. Dowling; Karen
and climate variability.                                             Johannesson; Klaus Neumann; Carmen A. Nezat

T30. Shale Gas Exploration and Emissions: A Focus on the               This session honors W. Berry Lyons and his many contributions
Marcellus in Western Pennsylvania                                    to geochemistry. Dr. Lyons has investigated polar to tropical
                                                                     settings. His research, collaborative abilities, and leadership
Disciplines: Environmental Geoscience; Engineering Geology;          inspire many and have built new directions in geochemistry.
Economic Geology; Oil/Gas/Alternative Energy
                                                                     T36. Mercury Biogeochemistry: Sizing up Element 80 in the
Advocate: Gregory J. Mount                                           Earth System
                                                                     Disciplines: Geochemistry; Environmental Geoscience;
  This session focuses on research on fugitive gas emissions and     Geomicrobiology
produced waters from natural gas wells in Devonian shale to          Advocates: Nathan Yee; John Reinfelder
better define the contribution of this activity to the regional and
global carbon cycle and environment.                                   This session will feature recent advances in mercury (Hg)
                                                                     biogeochemistry focusing on geochemical and microbial
T31. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Their Use in Geologic              Hg transformations, Hg stable isotope fractionation processes,
Reconnaissance (Posters)                                             and novel remediation strategies at contaminated sites.

Disciplines: Environmental Geoscience; Engineering Geology

Advocate: Thomas L. Rice

  This session will highlight the burgeoning development of
UAV/UAS (drone) platforms and sensors that can be utilized in
geologic reconnaissance, especially in natural resource and
natural hazards assessments. Active or passive remote sensing,
in miniature!


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