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                      T54. Geomorphology and Hydrology of Wildland Fires                    Geophysics/Geodynamics

                      Disciplines: Geomorphology; Environmental Geoscience                 T59. Advances in Crustal Geophysics and Tectonics: In Honor
                                                                                           of G.R. Keller
                      Advocates: Daniel Cadol; Francis K. Rengers
                                                                                           Disciplines: Geophysics/Geodynamics; Tectonics/
                        This session seeks to bring together researchers studying the      Tectonophysics; Geoinformatics
                      processes by which wildland fires affect the transport of water,
                      sediment, and pyrogenic debris down hillslopes and through the       Advocates: Kevin L. Mickus; Catherine M. Snelson;
                      fluvial network.                                                     Dennis L. Harry

                      T55. Investigating Coastal Environments: A Tribute to                  This session is to honor G.R. Keller, a leader in applying
                      Derald G. Smith                                                      geophysics to solve tectonic and geoinformatic problems. He has
                                                                                           used seismic and potential field data to investigate numerous
                      Disciplines: Geomorphology; Marine/Coastal Science;                  tectonic environments (e.g., continental rifts, orogenic belts, and
                      Sediments, Clastic                                                   plateau uplifts) worldwide.

                      Advocate: Harry M. Jol

                        As coastal depositional settings become vulnerable to short/       T60. An Updated View on Caribbean Tectonics
                      long-term changes, it is important to understand their geomor-
                      phic complexity. The session will explore how various field          Disciplines: Geophysics/Geodynamics; Tectonics/
                      methods (e.g., GPR, coring, OSL) aid in better understanding         Tectonophysics; Volcanology
                      these dynamic environments.
                                                                                           Advocates: Margarete Jadamec; Kevin Burke;
                                                                                           Andrew V. Newman

                      T56. Landslide Inventories and Time Series: Data Collection,           This session integrates geologic and geophysical observations to
                      Statistics, Geospatial Analysis, and Relationships to Other          provide an updated tectonic configuration of the Caribbean and
                      Geohazards                                                           examine processes from mantle flow to tectonic and earthquake
                                                                                           cycle behavior to the closure of the Panama isthmus.
                      Disciplines: Geomorphology; Geophysics/Geodynamics

                      Advocates: Martin Klose; Dalia B. Kirschbaum; Lynn M.                T61. Geophysical Solutions to Geological Problems: Current
                      Highland; Bodo Damm                                                  Research Results and the Annual George P. Woollard Award
                        This session is focused on statistical and geospatial analysis of
                      landslide inventories. Methods of collecting landslide data also     Disciplines: Geophysics/Geodynamics
                      occupy center stage in this session. We welcome contributions
                      dealing with other types of geohazards as well.                      Advocates: Samantha E. Hansen; Nicholas C. Schmerr

                      T57. Soil to Sediment—From Geologic to Modern Time Scales:             Contributions that employ geophysics to solve geologic prob-
                      A Session to Honor the Work of Milan Pavich                          lems are emphasized. This session also honors the recipient of the
                      Disciplines: Geomorphology; Soils; Quaternary Geology                George P. Woollard Award for his or her outstanding geophysics
                                                                                           contributions that advance our understanding of geology.

                      Advocates: Allen C. Gellis; Dorothy Merritts; Robert C. Walter       T62. Integrating Geophysical Characterization of the Near
                        This session honors Milan Pavich’s 39-year professional career.    Surface for Carbon Cycle Studies in Peatland Soils

                      Milan made major contributions to understanding the factors          Disciplines: Geophysics/Geodynamics; Soils; Geochemistry
                      important in landscape evolution and sediment production, at
                      geologic to modern time scales.                                      Advocates: Gregory J. Mount; William Wright; Matthew McClellan

                      T58. Undergraduate Research Talks: The Next Step in Student            This session focuses on the use of near-surface hydrogeophysical
                      Research Projects                                                    methods to understand carbon cycle dynamics in the shallow
                                                                                           subsurface, including studies on release events and potential storage.

GSA TODAY | MAY 2015  Disciplines: Geomorphology; Quaternary Geology;                      T63. Intraplate Earthquakes, Seismotectonics, and
                      Environmental Geoscience                                             Geodynamics in Eastern and Central North America

                      Advocates: Jacqueline A. Smith; Bradley G. Johnson;                  Disciplines: Geophysics/Geodynamics; Tectonics/
                      Edward C. Hansen                                                     Tectonophysics; Engineering Geology

                        This session provides a venue for undergraduate students and       Advocates: J. Wright Horton Jr.; Christine A. Powell;
                      recent graduates to present talks on completed research projects.    Robert A. Williams
                      Students may submit abstracts for research projects in any
                      subdiscipline of geology, earth science, or environmental science.     Intraplate earthquakes and seismic zones in eastern and central

                                                                                           North America are poorly understood. The 2011 Virginia earth-

                                                                                           quake, technological advancements, EarthScope, and GeoPRISMS

                                                                                           offer exciting research opportunities. We welcome contributions

                                                                                           in any geoscience or engineering discipline.


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