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T102. Characterization and Remediation of Fractured Rock             T107. In-Situ Technologies for Energy Resource Extraction:
Discipline: Hydrogeology                                             The Role of Water
Advocates: Kent Novakowski; Bernie Kueper
                                                                     Disciplines: Hydrogeology; Engineering Geology; Environmental
  Papers on fundamental transport processes related to remedia-      Geoscience; Oil/Gas/Alternative Energy
tion in fractured rock, the application of numerical modeling to
the design of remedial programs, novel characterization methods,     Advocates: Tanya J. Gallegos; Carleton R. Bern
or unique case studies (either laboratory of field) are solicited.
                                                                       This session explores water-related research in emerging or
T103. Contaminant Transport, Fate, and Remediation in                established in-situ technologies (e.g., in-situ recovery [ISR],
Fractured Rocks                                                      borehole hydraulic mining, in-situ retorting, hydraulic fracturing)
Disciplines: Hydrogeology; Environmental Geoscience;                 for recovering oil, gas, uranium, or coal, including hydrogeology,
Geochemistry                                                         (bio)geochemistry, and water management.
Advocates: Claire R. Tiedeman; Michelle M. Lorah; Lee Slater
                                                                     T108. Nanomaterials in Hydrogeology
  This session welcomes all aspects of research on contaminated
fractured rocks, including laboratory, field, and modeling           Disciplines: Hydrogeology; Geochemistry; Environmental
investigations of hydraulic, transport, and biogeochemical           Geoscience
properties and processes that control contaminant fate, transport,
and remediation.                                                     Advocate: William E. Sanford

T104. Delivery of Nutrients and Contaminants by Groundwater            This session will focus on manufactured nanomaterials as
to Estuaries and Their Watersheds                                    contaminants, their use as tracers of groundwater flow and trans-
Disciplines: Hydrogeology; Marine/Coastal Science;                   port, and their development for contaminant remediation.
Geochemistry                                                         Contributions of laboratory- and field-scale and theoretical studies
Advocates: Ward E. Sanford; Holly A. Michael; Claire Welty           are encouraged.

  We welcome contributions that investigate fluxes of ground-        T109. Reservoir Connectivity and Fluid Migration during
water and associated chemicals to estuaries, coastal waters, and     Unconventional Oil and Gas Development: Implications for
their watersheds. Field and modeling investigations that include     Hydraulic Fracturing, CO2 Storage, Enhanced Oil Recovery,
interactions between physical, geochemical, and biological factors   and Waste Water Injection
are encouraged.
                                                                     Disciplines: Hydrogeology; Environmental Geoscience;
T105. Fate and Remediation of Organic and Metal Contaminants         Geochemistry; Oil/Gas/Alternative Energy
in Wetlands and Sediments
Disciplines: Hydrogeology; Environmental Geoscience;                 Advocates: Madalyn S. Blondes; Mark A. Engle
Advocates: Michelle M. Lorah; Isabelle Cozzarelli; Upal Ghosh          This session explores water, gas, and petroleum movement
                                                                     between reservoirs and into freshwater aquifers. Potential topics
  This session focuses on processes controlling the fate of organic  include source of formation water in shale gas plays, potential
and metal contaminants in shallow groundwater and sediment,          for injection-related transport, and stability of abnormally pres-
including in wetlands, estuaries, and lakes, and application to      sured reservoirs.
defining natural attenuation and developing, implementing, and
monitoring remediation.

T106. From Green Roofs and Gutters to Urban Streams:                                                                                       GSA TODAY |
Advancing Urban Watershed Hydrology through Innovative
Field and Modeling Approaches

Disciplines: Hydrogeology; Environmental Geoscience

Advocates: Rosemary Fanelli; Rose Smith; Karen L. Prestegaard

  We welcome research contributions that highlight novel field
and modeling approaches to improve our understanding of how
urbanization and associated management practices (watershed
restoration, stormwater management, or green infrastructure)
influence water flow through urbanized watersheds.

                                                                     GSA GeoCorps™ America participant.


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