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                       Mineralogy/Crystallography                                            This session will focus on the occurrence of and exploration for
                                                                                           red beryl and topaz. We welcome abstracts on the mineralogy,
                      T131. Gemological Research in the 21st Century: Exploration,         petrology, geochemistry, and economic geology of topaz rhyolites.
                      Geology, and Characterization of Diamonds and Other
                      Gem Minerals                                                          Paleoclimatology/Paleoceanography

                      Disciplines: Mineralogy/Crystallography; Economic Geology;           T136. Decadal to Century-Scale Proxy Climate Records in
                      Geoscience Information/Communication                                 High-Altitude and High-Latitude Landscapes
                                                                                           Disciplines: Paleoclimatology/Paleoceanography; Quaternary
                      Advocates: James E. Shigley; Dona Mary Dirlam; Wuyi Wang;            Geology; Environmental Geoscience
                      Lee A. Groat; Thomas Stachel; Barbara L. Dutrow; Howard              Advocates: Michael O’Neal; Brian Hanson
                      Coopersmith; Nancy J. McMillan; William B. Simmons
                                                                                             This session emphasizes research that is focused on using proxy
                        Gemstones are the most recognized, sought after, and highly        records to identify the effects of regional climate forcings in high-
                      valued of all minerals. This session will focus on exploration for   altitude and high-latitude landscapes.
                      gems, documenting their conditions of formation, characterizing
                      the properties of gems, and improving the means of their

                      T132. Mineralogy of Diagenesis on Earth and Mars: In Honor of        T137. Fresh Perspectives on Critical Transitions in Earth
                      Nicholas J. Tosca, 2015 MSA Awardee                                  History: Insights from Novel Tools or New Successions
                                                                                           Disciplines: Paleoclimatology/Paleoceanography; Geochemistry;
                      Disciplines: Mineralogy/Crystallography; Planetary Geology;          Geomicrobiology
                      Sediments, Clastic                                                   Advocates: Victoria A. Petryshyn; Aradhna Tripati

                      Advocates: Scott M. McLennan; M. Darby Dyar;                           This session will highlight new discoveries on critical transi-
                      Andrew H. Knoll                                                      tions in the evolution of climate or life based on new localities
                                                                                           and/or methods.
                        This session honoring Nick Tosca, winner of the 2015 MSA
                      Award, will be devoted to recent experimental, theoretical, and      T138. From the Caspian to Mediterranean: Environmental
                      observational advances in characterizing and interpreting the        Change and Human Response during the Quaternary
                      mineralogical relationships developed during aqueous diagenesis      (IGCP 610)
                      on both Earth and Mars.

GSA TODAY | MAY 2015  T133. Mineralogy Writ Small: A Tribute to the Distinguished          Disciplines: Paleoclimatology/Paleoceanography; Paleontology,
                      Career of David R. Veblen                                            Biogeography/Biostratigraphy; Archaeological Geology
                      Disciplines: Mineralogy/Crystallography; Geochemistry; Oil/          Advocates: Valentina Yanko-Hombach; Tamara Yanina
                      Gas/Alternative Energy
                      Advocates: Peter J. Heaney; Joanne E. Stubbs; David C. Elbert          The session provides cross-disciplinary and cross-regional
                                                                                           correlation of geological, archaeological, environmental, and
                        This session will honor Dr. David R. Veblen for his contribu-      anthropological records to explore interrelationships between
                      tions to crystallography, mineralogy, and petrology, as well as his  environmental change and human adaptation in the Caspian–
                      profound influence as an educator during a career spanning more      Black Sea–Mediterranean corridors during the Quaternary.
                      than 35 years.
                                                                                           T139. Insights from Microfossils, from Traditional to Novel
                      T134. Radiation Effects, Mineralogy, and Materials Science of        Approaches (Posters)
                      Actinides: In Honor of Rodney C. Ewing, 2015 Roebling Medalist       Disciplines: Paleoclimatology/Paleoceanography; Paleontology,
                      Disciplines: Mineralogy/Crystallography; Geochemistry;               Paleoecology/Taphonomy; Geochemistry
                      Environmental Geoscience                                             Advocates: Miriam E. Katz; Katharina Billups
                      Advocates: Peter C. Burns; William J. Weber; Ian Parsons;
                      E. Bruce Watson; Alexandra Navrotsky; Ginger Sigmon                    Traditional uses of microfossils are central to many research
                                                                                           applications, while novel geochemical approaches utilizing micro-
                        In honor of Prof. Rodney C. Ewing, 2015 Roebling Medalist of       fossils have exploded in recent years. This session highlights both
                      the Mineralogical Society of America, this session emphasizes        traditional and innovative microfossil applications in terrestrial
                      radiation effects, mineralogy, and materials science of actinides,   and marine environments, including modern analogs.
                      including applications to nuclear fuel cycle science and policy.
                                                                                           T140. Late Paleocene and Early Eocene Hyperthermal Events in
                      T135. The Hunt for Red Beryl and Topaz                               Terrestrial and Marine Systems
                      Disciplines: Mineralogy/Crystallography; Economic Geology;           Disciplines: Paleoclimatology/Paleoceanography; Geochemistry;
                      Petrology, Igneous                                                   Paleontology, Diversity, Extinction, Origination
                      Advocate: Curtis L. Hollabaugh                                       Advocates: Jean M. Self-Trail; Marci M. Robinson


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