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T82. Linking Cognitive Science, Geoscience Education, and          T87. Supporting Geoscience Student Transfer: Collaborations,
Disciplinary Geoscience Practice                                   Partnerships, and Practices for Success

Discipline: Geoscience Education                                   Disciplines: Geoscience Education; Public Policy

Advocates: Carol J. Ormand; Basil Tikoff; Thomas F. Shipley        Advocates: Benjamin A. Wolfe; Eric M.D. Baer

  Cognitive science research illuminates challenges in spatio-       Topics for this session may include advising and support strate-
temporal thinking and suggests strategies for overcoming these     gies, articulation agreements, curricular alignment, 2YC–4YC
challenges. This session will present theoretical and empirical    faculty interactions, cross-institutional student research projects,
work on cognitive science-based approaches to learning, from       field trips, bridge programs, recruitment programs, and/or research
middle school to professional development.                         or case studies on transfer patterns, challenges, and approaches.

T83. Methods for Conducting Research about Teaching and            T88. The Future of Secondary School and Undergraduate
Learning in the Geosciences                                        Geology and Earth Science

Disciplines: Geoscience Education; Geoscience Information/         Disciplines: Geoscience Education; Geoscience Information/
Communication                                                      Communication; Public Policy

Advocates: Nicole LaDue; Laura A. Lukes; Katherine Ryker;          Advocates: Richard J. Diecchio; Eric J. Pyle
Kim A. Cheek
                                                                     Despite robust secondary earth-science standards and improve-
  Geoscience Education Research (GER) draws upon methods           ments in introductory geology curricula, challenges remain from
used in a variety of social science fields, including psychology,  middle grades to undergraduate science, including perceived lack
education, and anthropology. This session encourages presenters    of rigor, college acceptance criteria, and confusion with other
to highlight classic and novel methods used in their research.     sciences. This session will discuss challenges and potential solutions.

T84. Practical Faculty-Related Issues Associated with              T89. Trans-Disciplinary Pedagogical Strategies—Enhancing
Classroom Transformation                                           STEM Instruction through Real-Time Problem Solving
                                                                   Facilitated by Interdisciplinary, Project-Based Learning
Discipline: Geoscience Education
                                                                   Disciplines: Geoscience Education; Geoscience Information/
Advocates: Jennifer A. Roberts; Gregory S. Baker                   Communication

  Intense focus on classroom transformation by faculty has been    Advocate: Lee J. Florea
successfully supported by many team-led studies. However,
individual faculty may encounter practical hurdles and road-         Our integrated marketplace demands our students become
blocks during the application of proven transformational peda-     more versatile and better problem solvers. This session acknowl-
gogy methods. Examples—and solutions where they exist—will         edges attempts to blend STEM-based courses with other subject
be presented.                                                      areas for trans-disciplinary, project-based experiences.

T85. Preparing Pathways in K–12 Classrooms for Tomorrow’s          T90. Undergraduate Geoscience Education and Research                     GSA TODAY |
Diverse Geoscience Workforce: Teachers, Students,                  Opportunities Supported by NSF Funding Programs
and Communities
                                                                   Discipline: Geoscience Education
Disciplines: Geoscience Education; Geoscience Information/
Communication; Public Policy                                       Advocates: Jill Singer; Jeffrey Ryan

Advocates: Marilyn J. Suiter; Keith A. Sverdrup                      This session will highlight activities that engage undergraduates
                                                                   and broaden participation in the geosciences. Contributions from
  This session will provide examples of teacher preparation        NSF-DUE–funded projects and those from research funding
programs that support the development of STEM teacher-             programs are encouraged. Examples of models and strategies for
and administrator-leaders who establish classroom learning         establishing collaborations involving experienced and early-career
environments that reflect diversity and multiculturalism in        faculty are encouraged.
K–12 STEM education.
                                                                   T91. Using Place-Based and/or Data-Driven Approaches in
T86. Research on Teaching and Student Learning in the              Geoscience Undergraduate Teaching and Research
K–12 Earth Science Classroom
                                                                   Discipline: Geoscience Education
Discipline: Geoscience Education
                                                                   Advocates: Diana Dalbotten; Emily Goesling
Advocates: Laura A. Guertin; Tanya Furman
                                                                     This session explores exemplary teaching approaches that are
  Addressing global challenges and science literacy begins with    either place-based or data-driven, and especially the possibility
K–12 earth-science teaching. This session will share research,     of creating place-based, data-driven learning experiences for
tested instructional resources, models, and tools to enhance       undergraduates.
the content knowledge and skills of K–12 earth-science teachers
and students.                                                                                                                               25

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