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T46. Using Digitized Data in Geological and Paleontological          activity. We welcome laboratory and field approaches incorpo-
Research                                                             rating genomics, isotopes, geochemistry, or hydrogeology.

Disciplines: Geoinformatics; Paleoclimatology/Paleoceanography;      T51. Molecular Methodology and the Heart of Geobiology
Paleontology, Diversity, Extinction, Origination                     Disciplines: Geomicrobiology; Geochemistry; Geoscience
Advocates: Talia S. Karim; Gil Nelson                                Advocates: John R. Spear; Victoria A. Petryshyn; Frank A. Corsetti

  Digitization programs in paleontology and geology are producing      In the past 15 years, geobiological discovery has been made
large amounts of easily accessible data. This session will present   primarily through various molecular methodologies that unlock
developments in the research uses of digitized geoscience data and   mysteries of the rock record. We welcome contributions that
recent advances in data-publishing and mobilization.                 highlight achievements and advances in geobiological research.
                                                                     Interdisciplinary participation is encouraged.
 Geology and Health
T47. Geology and Health: A Decade of Progress
                                                                     T52. From the River Channel to the Drainage Divide: Processes,
Disciplines: Geology and Health; Environmental Geoscience;           Driving Mechanisms, and the Direction of Topographic Change
Hydrogeology                                                         in the Appalachians
                                                                     Disciplines: Geomorphology; Quaternary Geology
Advocates: Thomas H. Darrah; Suzette A. Morman; Andrew               Advocates: Gregory Hancock; Frank J. Pazzaglia; Sean F. Gallen
Hunt; Kevin E. Nick; Saugata Datta
                                                                       This session will focus on landscape evolution, active processes,
  Geology and health is a young but impactful discipline with        and rates of landscape change in the Appalachians and the mecha-
significant contributions to critical society issues. This session   nisms driving erosion in an ancient orogen (e.g., dynamic topog-
presents state-of-the-art research on the application of geological  raphy, piracy, and climate).
knowledge and techniques to assess potential health risks or bene-
fits of geological materials.                                        T53. Geoheritage Matters (Posters)
                                                                     Disciplines: Geomorphology; Geoscience Education; History and
 Geomicrobiology                                                     Philosophy of Geology
                                                                     Advocates: Benjamin van Wyk de Vries; Tom Casadevall
T48. Geomicrobiology: Microbes as a Geologic Force on Modern
and Ancient Earth                                                      Geoheritage is the protection of geological features, and it has
                                                                     strong outreach content. The session will discuss the evolution of
Disciplines: Geomicrobiology; Geochemistry; Precambrian              geoheritage as geology and society advance, and its variation in
Geology                                                              time and socio-geographic location.

Advocates: Nathan Yee; Clara S. Chan

  This session will feature recent advances in geomicrobiology,
focusing on the interplay between microbial and geochemical
processes, microbial life in the deep subsurface, and biosignatures
in the geologic record.

T49. Mechanistic Insights into the Biogeochemical Processes                                                                               GSA TODAY |
Controlling Phosphorus Transport and Cycling

Disciplines: Geomicrobiology; Geochemistry; Soils

Advocates: Yuanzhi Tang; Nadine Kabengi; Rixiang Huang

  This session focuses on the technological advancement and
fundamental understanding of the mechanisms and kinetics of
biogeochemical processes that control the transport and transfor-
mation of phosphorus at the solid-aqueous interface.

T50. Microbial Hydrocarbon Formation and Biodegradation:             Canyon at Gramada, Peru. Photo by Kevin E. Nick.
Organisms, Pathways, Environmental Limitations, and
Isotope Signatures

Disciplines: Geomicrobiology; Geochemistry; Coal Geology;
Oil/Gas/Alternative Energy

Advocates: Denise Akob; Tracy M. Quan; David S. Vinson

  This session highlights findings on the role of microbes in
hydrocarbon resources, including formation/biodegradation
pathways and environmental controls on subsurface microbial


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