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                      T72. Ethics of Geoscience in Practice and Application                   T77. Geology and Hydrology in the National Parks: Research,
                                                                                              Mapping, and Resource Management
                      Disciplines: Geoscience Education; Environmental Geoscience;
                      Public Policy                                                           Disciplines: Geoscience Education; Hydrogeology; Geoscience
                      Advocates: Cindy Palinkas; Vincent S. Cronin
                                                                                              Advocates: Bruce A. Heise; F. Edwin Harvey; Jason P. Kenworthy
                        Geoscientists have ethical obligations in conducting research,
                      informing society of geo-resources and hazards, and student               This session addresses the roles of geology and hydrology in
                      training. This session aims to discuss these obligations through        national parks. Presentations are encouraged on geologic and
                      presentation of research results and needs, case studies, and           hydrologic research, paleontology, and geologic and water
                      educational strategies.                                                 resource management in units of the U.S. National Park system.

                      T73. Everyone Says They’re Teaching Earth Systems, But What             T78. Geoscience Alliance: Blending Traditional Knowledge and
                      Does That Really Mean?                                                  Western Science to Develop Solutions for Real-World Problems

                      Disciplines: Geoscience Education; Geoscience Information/              Disciplines: Geoscience Education; Environmental Geoscience;
                      Communication; History and Philosophy of Geology                        Public Policy

                      Advocates: Eric J. Pyle; Don Duggan-Haas                                Advocates: Nievita Bueno Watts; Diana Dalbotten; Wendy Smythe

                        What does it mean to teach earth systems science? This session          Geoscience Alliance is a national movement dedicated to broad-
                      includes a series of cases and strategies that have been used to build  ening the participation of Native Americans in the geosciences.
                      understandings of Earth as a system and of systems more broadly.        We will highlight efforts that integrate traditional knowledge and
                                                                                              western science to solve real-world problems.
                      T74. Extended Geology Trips with Special Emphasis on
                      Study Abroad                                                            T79. Geoscience Career Planning in the Classroom and Beyond

                      Discipline: Geoscience Education                                        Disciplines: Geoscience Education; Geoscience Information/
                                                                                              Communication; Hydrogeology
                      Advocates: Tania-Maria Anders; Mark Boryta
                                                                                              Advocate: Larry McKay
                        This session will offer tips, tricks, and topics for developing and
                      running extended geology field trips both nationally and interna-         The goal of this topical session is to explore ways to improve the
                      tionally. We especially encourage submissions that focus on how         involvement of academic institutions, employers, and professional
                      to implement study abroad programs that include considerable            organizations in preparing geoscience students for success in job
                      field components.                                                       searches and career planning.

GSA TODAY | MAY 2015  T75. Field-Based Educational Research: Insights from Field              T80. Integrating Students with Learning Differences into a
                      Camps, Field Trips, and Field-Based Courses                             Geoscience Curriculum: Examples, Strategies, and Lessons

                      Disciplines: Geoscience Education; Geoscience Information/              Discipline: Geoscience Education
                                                                                              Advocates: N.P. Lang; Lyman P. Persico
                      Advocates: Miriam Barquero-Molina; Angela Van Boening;
                      Heather L. Petcovic; Lauren N. Holder                                     This session aims to increase the teaching strategies for geosci-
                                                                                              ence educators working with students with a learning difference
                        This session will present rigorous research in field-based geosci-    by drawing upon the previous experiences of both educators
                      ence education, including field camps, courses, trips, field-based      and students.
                      research, and professional contexts. Research involving cognitive
                      science such as spatial thinking, navigation, visualization skills,     T81. Intentional Integration of Research into the Curriculum:
                      and utilizing teaching as research in the field will also be covered.   Undergraduate Research as a Teaching Practice

                      T76. GeocorpsTM America and Mosaics in Science Programs:                Discipline: Geoscience Education
                      Successful Partnerships Promoting Individual Professional
                      Development and Application of Geoscience and Related Fields            Advocates: Patricia Manley; Robert D. Shuster; Elizabeth A.
                      to Management of America’s Public Lands                                 Johnson

                      Disciplines: Geoscience Education; Geoscience Information/                This session will focus on undergraduate research as a teaching
                      Communication; Public Policy                                            practice. Presentations ranging from examples of individual exer-
                                                                                              cises to scaffolding research skills development throughout the
                      Advocates: Matthew Dawson; Elizabeth Norby; Melody Holm                 curriculum are encouraged.

                        The GeoCorpsTM America and Mosaics in Science programs
                      provide professional development opportunities for students and
                      professionals in the geosciences and other natural resource science
                      fields to apply specialized skills to projects on public lands.


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