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GSA TODAY | MAY 2015  T110. Satellite Remote Sensing Applications in Hydrology             T115. Cave Exploration, Survey, and Science: Historical to
                      and Geology                                                          Modern Perspectives, Methods, and Techniques
                      Disciplines: Hydrogeology; Geoinformatics; Environmental             Disciplines: Karst; Hydrogeology; Geomorphology
                      Geoscience                                                           Advocates: Jason Polk; Patricia N. Kambesis
                      Advocates: Richard Becker; Adam M. Milewski
                                                                                             Cave exploration and survey have a long history of providing
                        Understanding of hydrology and geology on regional scales          baseline data to the sciences. This session provides historical
                      depends upon consistent regional observations. We seek research      perspective on exploration and survey techniques and advances in
                      presentations on applications integrating remote sensing observa-    survey methods, processing, and visualizations.
                      tions with traditional methods in hydrology and geology, especially
                      in data sparse regions.                                              T116. Contamination in Karst: Beyond the Case Study
                                                                                           Disciplines: Karst; Hydrogeology; Environmental Geoscience
                      T111. Sustainability and Resilience in Major Urban Areas:            Advocates: Sarah K. Carmichael; Ellen K. Herman
                      The Need for Earth and Environmental Science Information
                      in Formulating Plans, Policies, and Programs                           Karst aquifers are an important drinking water source and are
                      Disciplines: Hydrogeology; Environmental Geoscience;                 particularly vulnerable to contamination. This session will high-
                      Public Policy                                                        light new work on karst contamination modeling and methodolo-
                      Advocates: Robert J. Shedlock; Claire Welty                          gies that take us beyond single case studies.

                        We seek presentations from across disciplines to explore how       T117. Enhancing the Toolkit for Karst Investigations
                      earth and environmental science information in urban areas is        Disciplines: Karst; Hydrogeology; Geophysics/Geodynamics
                      informing planners and policy makers responsible for environ-        Advocates: Douglas Gouzie; Toby Dogwiler; Joseph Myre
                      mental management, sustainability, and resilience programs in
                      their metropolitan areas.                                              This session encourages papers presenting applications of
                                                                                           novel, emerging, or increasingly cost-effective tools to be used in
                      T112. Understanding Saline Fluid Flow Systems: From Saltwater        karst investigations. Topics include recent advances in instru-
                      Intrusion to Geologic-Scale Brine Migration                          mentation and remote sensing, isotopic and geophysical
                      Disciplines: Hydrogeology; Environmental Geoscience; Marine/         methods, computational models of karst processes and systems,
                      Coastal Science                                                      and other emerging methods.
                      Advocates: Fabien Magri; Andrew H. Manning; Alicia M. Wilson
                                                                                           T118. Extreme Karst: Exploring the Limits of Karstification
                        This session seeks contributions that improve our understanding    on Earth and throughout the Solar System
                      of saline fluid flow systems at local (coastal) to geologic scales   Disciplines: Karst; Planetary Geology; Hydrogeology
                      by applying numerical, hydrochemical, and field investigations.      Advocates: Karl Leon Mitchell; George Veni

                      T113. Urban Groundwater Effects beyond Impervious                      Karst processes and landscapes result from dissolution under
                      Surface Cover                                                        radically different environments, chemistries, and timescales.
                      Discipline: Hydrogeology                                             This session quantitatively and theoretically compares different
                      Advocates: Claire Welty; Aditi S. Bhaskar; John M. Sharp             karst development in extreme or unusual circumstances on Earth
                                                                                           and other worlds.
                        The view of urban processes that affect urban groundwater
                      quantity and quality is expanding beyond impervious surfaces to      T119. Geological Interactions within the Global Carbon Cycle
                      include green infrastructure, leaky infrastructure, and altered      Disciplines: Karst; Geochemistry; Environmental Geoscience
                      evapotranspiration. This session focuses on impacts of these         Advocates: Chris Groves; Jonathan B. Martin
                      processes to groundwater and stream baseflow.
                                                                                             While over vast timescales interactions between water, the
                       Karst                                                               atmosphere, and minerals influence partitioning of Earth’s
                                                                                           carbon, less attention has been focused on shorter timescales.
                      T114. Advances in Island and Coastal Karst Investigations            This session emphasizes links between carbonate minerals and
                      Disciplines: Karst; Marine/Coastal Science; Environmental            Earth’s carbon cycle.
                      Advocates: Jonathan B. Sumrall; Patricia N. Kambesis                 T120. Karst Processes and Speleogenesis: Advances in
                                                                                           Monitoring, Modeling, and Measurements
                        We seek presentations that highlight recent advances in island     Disciplines: Karst; Hydrogeology; Geomorphology
                      and coastal karst aquifer processes, morphometric analysis,          Advocates: Benjamin F. Schwartz; Matthew D. Covington
                      geochemical systems, paleoclimate reconstruction, innovative
                      research techniques, critical zone processes, and other related
                      fields from all over the world.


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