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T64. Rotations, Oroclinal Bending; Variscan-Alleghenian
Nondipoles; Diagenetic Enigmatic Remagnetizations;
Vignettes of Orogenies and Oceans: A Celebration of Rob Van
der Voo’s Career

Disciplines: Geophysics/Geodynamics; Tectonics/Tectonophysics;
Sediments, Carbonates

Advocates: John W. Geissman; Joseph G. Meert

  Our session honors the numerous contributions to the geosci-
ences, involving a wide spectrum of scales and processes, by
Professor Rob Van der Voo over his 45-year career at the University
of Michigan.

T65. Utilizing 2-D and 3-D Near-Surface Geophysics to                GSA GeoCorps™ America participant.                                     GSA TODAY |
Generate Improved Surface and Subsurface Geologic Maps
Disciplines: Geophysics/Geodynamics; Environmental                     The session will focus on both activities (formal education,
Geoscience; Structural Geology                                       informal education, outreach activities, and partnerships beyond
Advocates: Gregory S. Baker; Brian Miller                            the sciences) and research (education, social, and cognitive) that
                                                                     can extend the reach and effectiveness of climate literacy efforts.
  Geologic maps remain a critical tool for problems in the “near
surface” (upper ~200 m), whether structural, environmental,          T69. Closing the Diversity Gap in Geoscience: Successful
glaciological, hazards, groundwater, or infrastructure related.      Models, Best Practices, Benefits, Outcomes, and Next Steps
Near-surface geophysical techniques enhance the quality and          Disciplines: Geoscience Education; Geoscience Information/
confidence of geology maps, and recent examples will be presented.   Communication; Environmental Geoscience
                                                                     Advocates: Ashanti Johnson; David Siegfried; Lois Ricciardi
 Geoscience Education
                                                                       This session presents successful models, practices, benefits,
T66. Beginning a New Era in Earth Science Education: The             outcomes, and next steps for closing the diversity gap in geosci-
Role of Geoscience in Implementing the Next Generation               ence. Program stakeholders highlight how fusing academic,
Science Standards                                                    research, and diversity activities foster an inclusive and equitable
Disciplines: Geoscience Education; Public Policy                     geoscience community.
Advocates: Michael J. Passow; Michael E. Wysession; Jacqueline
E. Huntoon; Emily E. Gochis; Alexandria Guth; Ashley E. Miller       T70. Digital Technology in Real and Virtual Geoscience
                                                                     Experiences (Posters)
  Representatives from school districts, professional societies,     Disciplines: Geoscience Education; Geoscience Information/
teacher training programs, and informal science institutions share   Communication
examples of incorporating the geosciences to integrate disci-        Advocates: Declan De Paor; Steven J. Whitmeyer; Callan Bentley
plinary core ideas, cross-cutting concepts, engineering practices,
and holistic thinking into emerging NGSS-aligned programs.             Digital technology is transforming geoscience practices. We
                                                                     seek poster presentations addressing applications of digital tech-
T67. Changing Cultural Climate for Improved Access to (GEO)          nology to all aspects of geoscience teaching, research, and outreach,
Science Careers                                                      with an emphasis on the importance and usefulness of innovations.
Disciplines: Geoscience Education; Geoscience Information/
Communication                                                        T71. Enticing Urban Youth into the Geosciences
Advocates: Mary Anne Holmes; Marilyn J. Suiter                       Discipline: Geoscience Education
                                                                     Advocate: Alexander E. Gates
  This session explores how strategies to change the academic
cultural climate can be successfully adapted to improve access         This session assembles the many unusual efforts and innovative
for those historically underrepresented to be welcomed into careers  techniques to entice students from the many urban centers where
in STEM.                                                             there are great, untapped resources for increasing interest and
                                                                     diversity in the geosciences.
T68. Climate Literacy: Formal and Informal Education and
Outreach Activities and Research and Evaluation Measures
of Success
Disciplines: Geoscience Education; Public Policy
Advocates: Tamara Shapiro Ledley; Monica H. Barnes;
Bonnie Murray


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