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T157. Eat, Prey, Love, and Burrow: Tracing Animal Behavior              Petrology, Igneous
through Time
                                                                       T162. A Lower Crustal Perspective on Magmatic Arc Processes
Disciplines: Paleontology, Paleoecology/Taphonomy; Sediments,
Clastic; Sediments, Carbonates                                         Disciplines: Petrology, Igneous; Petrology, Metamorphic;
Advocates: Adiël A. Klompmaker; Devapriya Chattopadhyay;
Patricia H. Kelley                                                     Advocates: Harold H. Stowell; Keith Klepeis; Joshua J. Schwartz

  Varied evidence allows interpretation of fossil animal behavior        New data sets and improved tools set the stage for improved
(e.g., ichnofossils, animals “caught in the act”) geochemistry. This   understanding of magmatic arc processes. We encourage submis-
session presents research on any type of behavior (e.g., feeding,      sions on magma generation, mass transfer, vertical crustal
mating, locomotion, symbiosis) throughout the history of life.         motion, relationships between deformation and magma emplace-
                                                                       ment, and metamorphism at mid- to lower-crustal levels.

T158. Perspectives on Multi-Element Skeleton Taphonomy:                T163. A Matter of Perspective: Integrating Macro- and Micro-Scale   GSA TODAY |
Case Studies, Approaches, and Advances                                 Evidence in Investigations of Magmatic Origins and Histories
Disciplines: Paleontology, Paleoecology/Taphonomy;                     Disciplines: Petrology, Igneous; Volcanology; Geochemistry
Paleontology, Biogeography/Biostratigraphy                             Advocates: Tamara L. Carley; Tenley J. Banik; Lily L. Claiborne;
Advocates: Matthew B. Vrazo; James R. Thomka                           Susanne McDowell

  This session will explore new methods and concepts within              Together we will discuss magma: its origins, emplacement, and
taphonomic studies of organisms with multi-element skeletons           everything in between. We encourage dialog around creative inte-
(e.g., arthropods, echinoderms, vertebrates) for both ancient and      gration of multi-scale evidence—from macro to micro perspec-
modern ecological and environmental reconstruction.                    tives. We also encourage broad participation, especially from
                                                                       early-career scientists.
T159. The Fossil Record of Parasite-Host Interactions:
New Perspectives and Approaches                                        T164. Magmatic Processes in Peridotites: Connection to Tectonics
Disciplines: Paleontology, Paleoecology/Taphonomy                      Disciplines: Petrology, Igneous; Volcanology; Tectonics/
Advocates: John Warren Huntley; Kenneth De Baets                       Tectonophysics
                                                                       Advocates: Gordana Garapic; John Wakabayashi; Ulrich Faul
  Parasitism is ubiquitous among living organisms and there is a
growing appreciation of its role in shaping the history of life. This    Melting and melt segregation influence the dynamics of
session highlights advances in the study of parasites and hosts in     partially molten mantle and the chemistry of melt and residuum.
deep time.                                                             Submissions are welcome on all aspects of mantle melting,
                                                                       including experimental, field, and modeling studies.
T160. Topics in Paleoecology: Modern Analogues and
Ancient Systems                                                        T165. Zen and Now: Honoring the Legacy of E-an Zen’s
Disciplines: Paleontology, Paleoecology/Taphonomy;                     Contributions to Geology
Paleontology, Diversity, Extinction, Origination; Paleontology,        Disciplines: Petrology, Igneous; Mineralogy/Crystallography;
Phylogenetic/Morphological Patterns                                    Geoscience Education
Advocates: Darrin J. Molinaro; Carolyn M. Furlong; Amelinda            Advocates: Philip M. Piccoli; Jane M. Hammarstrom; H. Catherine
E. Webb; Gary J. Motz                                                  Skinner; Guy L. Hovis

  This session will highlight the diversity of paleoecological           This multidisciplinary session will honor the legacy of E-an
research, organized within the framework of biotic interactions/       Zen’s contributions to geology.
predation, community/organismal ecology, and fidelity/conserva-
tion paleobiology.                                                      Petrology, Metamorphic

T161. Echinoderm Paleobiology: Diversity, Form, and Phylogeny          T166. Metamorphic Petrology: New Approaches and Outcomes
Disciplines: Paleontology, Phylogenetic/Morphological Patterns;        Disciplines: Petrology, Metamorphic; Geochemistry; Tectonics/
Paleontology, Diversity, Extinction, Origination; Paleontology,        Tectonophysics
Paleoecology/Taphonomy                                                 Advocates: David R.M. Pattison; Matthew J. Kohn; Frank S.
Advocates: David F. Wright; Selina R. Cole; Jeffrey R. Thompson        Spear; Bernardo Cesare

  This session will address broad, cutting-edge topics in the            Rapid advances across the discipline of metamorphic petrology
understanding of echinoderm evolution and paleontology. This           make this a timely session. We wish to make the session as broadly
complex topic will include trends in phylogeny, morphology,            appealing as possible, hence the general title.
paleoecology, macroevolution, taphonomy, and systematics.


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