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Advocates: Barrett T. Dixon; Jacob A. Covault; Brian W. Romans;      Soils
Steve M. Hubbard
                                                                    T200. Hillslope Dynamics: Integrating Soils, Hydrology, and
  The North American Atlantic continental margin has a              Climatic Processes to Understand Weathering and Sediment
complex geological history. As governments, academia, and           Transport on Drainage Basin Slopes
industry refocus on this margin, this session will highlight        Disciplines: Soils; Hydrogeology; Geomorphology
research characterizing this geographically vast and geologically   Advocates: Eric V. McDonald; J. Bruce J. Harrison; Michael Young
diverse area.
                                                                      Hillslope dynamics: integrating soils, hydrology, and climatic
T197. Sedimentary Basins                                            processes to understand weathering and sediment transport on
Disciplines: Sediments, Clastic; Sediments, Carbonates;             drainage basin slopes.
Advocate: D. Jeffrey Over                                           T201. Modifications to the Pedosphere during the Holocene
                                                                    and Anthropocene: Examination of Past, Present, and Future
  This section will cover current research associated with the      Soil Dynamics
sedimentation and stratigraphy of sedimentary basins.               Disciplines: Soils; Environmental Geoscience; Archaeological
T198. Shale Gas Basins: Their Stratigraphy, Sedimentary             Advocates: Phillip P. Allen; Philip Greenwood
Environments, Tectonics, and Structural Evolution (Posters)
Disciplines: Sediments, Clastic; Structural Geology; Tectonics/       Soil formation, transformation, and erosion are essential
Tectonophysics; Oil/Gas/Alternative Energy                          components of the geological cycle and have fundamental societal
Advocates: Ibrahim Çemen; Jack C. Pashin; James O. Puckette;        significance. The current debate about pedological resilience and
Denise J. Hills                                                     sustainability benefits from studies of soil-climate-human inter-
                                                                    actions in the recent past.
  This forum will facilitate discussion and exchange of ideas and
encourage collaboration to help design research methods to test     T202. Paleosol Case Studies: Resurrecting Ancient Critical
important questions related to different geological problems asso-  Zones through Space and Time
ciated with shale-gas basins throughout the world.                  Disciplines: Soils; Sediments, Clastic; Paleoclimatology/
T199. Tracks in the Mud: Advances and Techniques in                 Advocates: Emily J. Beverly; R. Hunter Harlow;
Vertebrate Ichnology                                                William E. Lukens
Disciplines: Sediments, Clastic; Paleontology, Paleoecology/
Taphonomy; Archaeological Geology                                     Paleosols record dynamic processes operating on past land-
Advocates: Matthew R. Bennett; Peter L. Falkingham                  scapes. We welcome case studies focusing on terrestrial paleo­
                                                                    climatology, particularly those utilizing paleosols to understand
  Vertebrate tracks, whatever the substrate or track-maker          spatial and temporal changes in Critical Zones of the past.
(ancient human or extinct dinosaur), catch the imagination.
The community of engaged researchers is interdisciplinary,          T203. Soil Water in the Hydrosphere and Biosphere
and this session will reflect this sharing knowledge, experi-       Disciplines: Soils; Hydrogeology; Quaternary Geology
ence, and best practice.                                            Advocates: Michael Young; Todd G. Caldwell

                                                                      Soil water content is a vital determinant of critical zone        GSA TODAY |
                                                                    processes, influencing climate, evapotranspiration, runoff, and
                                                                    recharge processes. We solicit research that highlights the impor-
                                                                    tance of soil water on hydrological processes.

                                                                    T204. The Reactive Soil: Processes at the Bio-Geo Interface in
                                                                    the Rhizosphere

                                                                    Disciplines: Soils; Geochemistry; Geomicrobiology

                                                                    Advocates: Zsuzsanna Balogh-Brunstad; Marjorie Schulz;
                                                                    Megan Andrews

                                                                      Biogeochemical reactions of the rhizosphere control soil
                                                                    development, sediment formation, nutrient and water avail-
                                                                    ability, and carbon cycling. We seek to better understand these
                                                                    processes. We seek submissions from any laboratory, field, and/
                                                                    or modeling studies.


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