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                      T187. Geology, Geomorphology, and Biogeography of the Amazon:          This session focuses on reconstructions of glaciers and ice
                      Integrating Approaches and Disciplines to Understand the             sheets in the Arctic and sub-Arctic. Studies ranging from the
                      Evolution of a Unique Ecosystem                                      Pleistocene to the Holocene and include new glacial chronologies,
                                                                                           glacial geomorphology, glacier sediment records, and modeling
                      Disciplines: Quaternary Geology; Paleontology, Biogeography/         are encouraged.

                      Advocates: Carlos Henrique Grohmann; John M. Bates                    Sediments, Carbonates

                        In the Amazon Basin, landscape evolution plays a vital role        T192. Lawrence A. Hardie Commemorative Session
                      as a driver of biotic diversification. We welcome contributions      Disciplines: Sediments, Carbonates; Geochemistry;
                      on all fields related to the evolution of Amazonian landscape/       Limnogeology

                      T188. Inside or Out? Investigations into Driving Forces in           Advocates: Tim K. Lowenstein; Robert V. Demicco; Linda Hinnov
                      Fluvial Systems
                                                                                             Research arising from the scientific contributions of Lawrence
                      Disciplines: Quaternary Geology; Geomorphology;                      Hardie (1933–2013) is celebrated with talks in the fields of
                      Paleoclimatology/Paleoceanography                                    carbonate and evaporite sedimentology and geochemistry, secular
                                                                                           variations in seawater chemistry, and cyclic deposition of carbonates.

                      Advocates: Kerry Riley; Tammy Rittenour

                        This cross-disciplinary session investigates the interplay         T193. Sedimentary Environment and Process Studies:
                      between allogenic forcing (climate, tectonics) and autogenic         The Emerging Generation of Scientists (Posters)
                      processes (slope/transport thresholds) in stratigraphic and
                      geomorphic records of fluvial response. Field-based and experi-      Disciplines: Sediments, Carbonates; Sediments, Clastic;
                      mental studies across time and spatial scales are encouraged.        Stratigraphy

                                                                                           Advocates: Katherine Giles; Marjorie Chan

                      T189. New Applications of Geochronologic Techniques to                 This session welcomes students’ scientific contributions on
                      Quaternary and Archaeological Settings                               sedimentary geology. Topics can range broadly from studies of
                                                                                           ancient to modern sediments, carbonates to clastics, and sedimen-
                      Disciplines: Quaternary Geology; Archaeological Geology;             tary processes and their products in the geologic record.

                      Advocates: Harrison Gray; Michelle Summa Nelson; Kerry Riley Sediments, Clastic

                        This session investigates innovative applications of dating tech-  T194. New Horizons in Paleogeography: Principles, Innovative
                      niques to investigations of Quaternary deposits, landscapes, and     Methods, and Application to Resource Exploration
                      archaeological settings. We also encourage contributions that
                      highlight new applications of dating methods (OSL, TCN, radio-       Disciplines: Sediments, Clastic; Sediments, Carbonates;
                      isotopes) to address novel research questions.                       Paleontology, Biogeography/Biostratigraphy

                                                                                           Advocates: Adam D. Woods; Wan Yang

                      T190. Paleoecological Patterns, Ecological Processes, Modeled          Paleogeography is an interdisciplinary and inclusive field
                      Scenarios: Crossing Temporal Scales to Understand an                 that integrates data from across the geosciences. This session
                      Uncertain Future                                                     will examine innovative paleogeographic principles and
                                                                                           methods, modern and ancient analogs, and the application of
                      Disciplines: Quaternary Geology; Paleoclimatology/                   paleo­geography to resource exploration.
                      Paleoceanography; Stratigraphy

GSA TODAY | MAY 2015  Advocates: Miriam C. Jones; Simon Goring; Debra A. Willard;          T195. Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of Hominin Sites:
                      Jennifer O’Keefe; Claude Hillaire-Marcel; David P. Dethier; Lucy     New Methods, New Data, and New Insights
                      E. Edwards; Amy Myrbo; Johan Varekamp                                Disciplines: Sediments, Clastic; Limnogeology; Soils
                                                                                           Advocates: Cynthia M. Liutkus-Pierce; Gail M. Ashley;
                        This session will explore the visions, challenges, and applica-    Andrew S. Cohen
                      tions of paleoecological research that uses information at multiple
                      spatial or temporal scales to improve predictive models of             This session will showcase current research on paleoenviron-
                      ecosystem, climate, and/or biogeophysical change.                    mental reconstruction of hominin sites and will highlight innova-
                                                                                           tive techniques, the latest data, and new insights.
                      T191. Reconstructing Arctic Glaciers and Ice Sheets:
                      Chronology, Geomorphology, and Climate Records                       T196. Revisiting the Atlantic Continental Margin: New Insights
                      Disciplines: Quaternary Geology; Geomorphology;                      on the Geologic Evolution of North American Passive Margin
                      Paleoclimatology/Paleoceanography                                    Basins
                      Advocates: Sarah M. Principato; Jason P. Briner; Nicolás E. Young    Disciplines: Sediments, Clastic; Stratigraphy; Marine/Coastal


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