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Message from the Annual Meeting General Chair

  The 2015 GSA Annual Meeting is coming to Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Here in “the land of pleasant living,”
Baltimore is also known as “Charm City.” I invite you to come during the first week of November to discover why.

  Nestled on the fall line between the Coastal Plain and the Piedmont, GSA 2015 will visit a classic passive-margin
tectonic setting. But there’s nothing passive about Baltimore, or the greater Baltimore-Washington metropolitan region!
Activity will abound as we kick off the meeting with a Halloween icebreaker followed by a broad selection of technical
sessions. Many pre- and post-meeting field trips will be offered, along with pre-meeting short courses to provide anyone
a professional development tune-up.

  This year is the bicentennial of William “Strata” Smith’s revolutionary geological map of England, Wales, and portions
of Scotland, published in 1815. The historical implications of this “map that changed the world” and its continuing rele-
vance today to the success of geological investigations on Earth and across the Solar System will be highlighted throughout
the meeting.

  Our proximity to Washington D.C. affords opportunities for field trips to the Smithsonian Institution and the National
Mall. It also positions GSA 2015 as a natural forum for exploring the interface between the geological sciences and public
policy. From climate change to hydraulic fracturing, look for technical sessions and field trips that tie into this critically
important theme.

  Need more reasons to attend GSA 2015? How about Career Pathways events for women in geology, geology in industry,
and geology in government? Or the employment interview service? What about lunchtime “Feed Your Brain” events? And
don’t forget to get out of the convention center to visit the National Aquarium, Ft. McHenry, the Inner Harbor, and loads
of nearby restaurants and watering holes. I look forward to your contributions to GSA 2015 in Baltimore!

  David A. Vanko, Towson University
  Annual Meeting General Chair

Organizing Committee

GENERAL CHAIR                                                          SPONSORSHIP CHAIR
David A. Vanko, Towson University,                   David A. Vanko, Towson University,

TECHNICAL PROGRAM CHAIR                                                K–12 EDUCATION CHAIR
Patrick Burkhart, Slippery Rock University,   Michael Passow, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia
Richard A. Ortt, Jr., Maryland Geological Survey,                      SPECIAL EVENTS CHAIR                                              Michael S. Kelley, NASA Headquarters,

FIELD TRIP CO-CHAIRS                                                   STUDENT COMMITTEE
David K. Brezinsky, Maryland Geological Survey,                        Hannah Susorney, Johns Hopkins University,
                                                                       Sophie Lehmann, Johns Hopkins University,
Jeffrey P. Halka, Maryland Geological Survey,

        Action Dates                         Open Now                  GSA 2015 Highlights
                                               5 June
Abstract submission, registration & housing    11 Aug.                  1. This year’s first scientific field trip starts on Wednesday,
Space request deadline (standard fees)                                         28 Oct. Pre-meeting trip locations include the Central
Abstracts deadline                           Early Sept.                       Appalachian Blue Ridge Province, Chesapeake Bay, the
Speaker notifications                         21 Sept.                         Gettysburg Battlefield, and the National Museum of
Housing cancellation fee begins               28 Sept.                         Natural History.
Early registration & housing deadline           5 Oct.
Registration cancellation deadline                                      2. Learning doesn’t wait! The popular and highly successful
                                                                               Short Course program has its first class on Thursday, 29
                                                                               Oct. Six classes start on Friday, with several more on


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