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Figure 5. Flow chart showing proposed evolution of
                                                                                              geology and geochemistry of acid brine lake waters
                                                                                              and groundwaters in southern Western Australia.

GSA TODAY | JUNE 2015  and field observations show that evapo-concentration decreases         and opal. Even some marginal marine environments have moder-
                       pH if the starting solution was moderately acid (Foster and            ately acid (pH ~5) waters (i.e., Sammut et al., 1996). Southern
                       Benison, 2006).                                                        Western Australia, and in particular the Yilgarn Craton, may simply
                                                                                              be more advanced in acid brine evolution than the remainder of the
                       MAINTENANCE OF ACID BRINE ENVIRONMENTS                                 continent. A combination of Australia’s old cratonic rocks, relatively
                                                                                              low tectonic activity, relatively few carbonate rocks, and long wet-to-
                         Geochemical cycling and physical reworking operate dynami-           dry climate trend, as proposed by Long and Lyons (1990, 1992) over
                       cally on both varying temporal and spatial scales on the Yilgarn       the past tens of millions of years, has likely resulted in the acid brine
                       Craton. An understanding of physical and chemical sedimento-           development for much of the continent.
                       logical processes is necessary for interpreting acid brine evolution.
                       Flooding-evaporation-desiccation cycles controlled by local            FUTURE OF ACID BRINES IN RESPONSE TO GLOBAL
                       weather at individual acid saline lakes drive much of this recycling   CLIMATE CHANGE AND HUMAN LAND USE
                       (Benison et al., 2007). For example, lake water may precipitate
                       gypsum, halite, iron oxides, and kaolinite. When the lake dries          In the twentieth century, both agriculture and mining had local
                       up, winds can entrain and transport those chemical sediments,          influence on acid brine groundwater. A government-sponsored
                       depositing them in the same lake or tens to hundreds of kilome-        effort to turn the semi-arid eucalypt forests of inland southern
                       ters away. Flooding of a lake due to a rainstorm will carry sedi-      Western Australia to crop and ranchland promoted the deforesta-
                       ments in sheet floods to lakes from dunes, soils, and sandflats. In    tion of the “wheat belt” region. With fewer trees to soak up the
                       addition, the meteoric water may dissolve some soluble minerals,       acid saline groundwater, the water table rose. Ranchers realized
                       such as halite and gypsum, releasing their ions back into the lake     that cattle and sheep did not thrive with acid brines. Farmers
                       water. These dynamic surface processes cause the lake waters to        found the only successful crops were grown high above the water
                       fluctuate in pH and salinity, thus crossing geochemical divides        table and irrigated with desalinized seawater piped a distance of
                       that determine precipitation versus dissolution of specific            hundreds of kilometers. Mining efforts have also used desalinized
                       minerals. Geochemical cycling of sulfur, as well as other elements,    seawater pipelines. Both mining and agriculture import fresher
                       particularly Cl, Fe, and Al, is intense (Benison and Bowen, 2013).     water to the groundwater system and may be responsible for
                       Changes in dissolved Fe and S, in particular, play a role in keeping   changing the volume of groundwater slightly, as well as potentially
                       the pH low. The acid brine lake water–groundwater systems seem         causing dissolution of some subsurface halite and other chemical
                       to be maintaining themselves by these processes.                       sediments, and, perhaps in turn, increasing groundwater salinity.
                                                                                              The limited volume of groundwater, in combination with its acidity,
                       WIDESPREAD ACID BRINES THROUGHOUT AUSTRALIA                            salinity, and high concentrations of some metals, make southern
                                                                                              Western Australia a difficult place for human habitation.
                         Acid sulfate minerals, soils, and weathering profiles have been
                       reported across Australia. Lake Tyrrell in northern Victoria is          Predictions for future climate suggest continued aridification in
                       famous for its localized acid brines (e.g.., Dickson and Giblin,       Australia due to global warming. Frederiksen et al. (2009) noted
                       2009; Long et al., 1992, 2009). Thiry et al. (2006) interpreted        decreasing peak jet stream winds at ~30°S over southern Australia
                       acidic groundwater alteration in south-central Australia to have       and predicted that this would cause increased temperatures,
                       produced weathering profiles rich in kaolinite, gypsum, alunite,       decreased autumn and winter rainfall, and prolonged droughts.

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