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The evolution of end-member continental waters: The origin
                       of acidity in southern Western Australia

                       Kathleen C. Benison, Dept. of Geology and Geography, West            interactions. These environments present evidence of new brine
                       Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia 26506-6300, USA,      evolution pathways and suggest the potential for future intense
             ; and Brenda B. Bowen, Dept. of         acid brine environments.
                       Geology and Geophysics, Global Change and Sustainability
                       Center, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112, USA          INTRODUCTION

                       ABSTRACT                                                               The “wheat belt” and “gold fields” of southern Western
                                                                                            Australia are associated with a regional acid saline groundwater
                         The Yilgarn Craton of Western Australia hosts a regional acid      system. Groundwaters have pH as low as 2.4 and salinities as high
                       saline groundwater system and hundreds of ephemeral saline           as 28% total dissolved solids (TDS) and have greatly affected
                       lakes characterized by complex acid brines. These acid saline lakes  bedrock and subsurface sediments. The surface expressions of
                       and groundwaters have pH as low as 1.4 and salinities as high as     these acid brine groundwaters are the hundreds of shallow,
                       32% total dissolved solids. The low pH formed by a combination       ephemeral acid saline lakes with pH as low as 1.4 and salinities as
                       of processes dependent upon the host rock lithology and miner-       high as 32% TDS (Fig. 1) (Benison et al., 2007; Bowen and
                       alogy, climate, weathering, organisms, and time. Although these      Benison, 2009). These acid lake and groundwaters are chemically
                       modern acid saline environments are relatively rare, they have       complex. They are rich in Na-Cl-Mg-SO4, poor in HCO3, and have
                       both ancient terrestrial and extraterrestrial counterparts.          unusually high and highly variable concentrations of Al, Si, Fe, Br,
                       Understanding acidification processes provides enhanced under-       and some other metals (Bowen and Benison, 2009; Gray, 2001). The
                       standing of hydrosphere-lithosphere-atmosphere-biosphere

GSA TODAY | JUNE 2015        Figure 1. Yilgarn Craton in southern Western Australia. (A) Map of southern portion of Yilgarn Craton. Approximate locations and general pH range of 60
                             lakes studied in detail since 2001. (B) Image of “wheat belt” landscape near “gold fields,” located southwest of Salmon Gums. Note the many lakes with
                             different colors.

                          GSA Today, v. 25, no. 6, doi: 10.1130/GSATG231A.1

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