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the limited presence of geochemical “buffers,” such as carbonate
                                                                                minerals and feldspars (Bowen et al., 2013; Long and Lyons, 1990,
                                                                                1992). This has allowed low pH produced by acidification
                                                                                processes to be maintained.

                                                                                  The extensive weathering of Archean rocks not only limits buff-
                                                                                ering capacity but also may yield other acids. For example, chem-
                                                                                ical weathering dissolves many minerals and yield waters rich in
                                                                                ions, such as Cl, Br, and Fe. The high amounts of Cl− and Br− in
                                                                                the acid waters suggest that hydrochloric and bromic acids exist
                                                                                here in addition to sulfuric acid.

Figure 4. Brine evolution model for closed basins, featuring the Long-Lyons-    EXPANDING THE BRINE EVOLUTION MODEL                                    GSA TODAY |
Hines (2009) model for acid saline Lake Tyrrell spring zone waters, and based
on the Eugster-Hardie-Jones brine evolution concept (Eugster, 1980; Eugster       Hardie and Eugster (1970) and Eugster (1970) pioneered the use
and Hardie, 1978; Eugster and Jones, 1979). In this variation of the model,     of evaporite minerals to trace past brine evolution and the history
abundance of HCO3 determines starting path. Several evolution pathways have     of evaporite sediments in closed basins. This brine evolution
been documented for specific closed lakes with neutral alkaline conditions,     model has evolved through the decades to incorporate the details
especially those in Africa and the western U.S.; in a complete model, these     of chemical pathways for various neutral-alkaline brines, many of
would appear to the right of the detailed Lake Tyrrell path. The more extreme   which include carbon species and carbonate minerals as impor-
and variable acid brines in southern Western Australia would appear as several  tant players (e.g., Eugster, 1980; Eugster and Hardie, 1978; Eugster
complex evolution pathways to the left of the Lake Tyrrell path.                and Jones, 1979) (Fig. 3). Long et al. (2009) added the first low pH
                                                                                branch to the geochemical model (Fig. 4). There are likely varia-
  Climate and weather also play a role in acidity. In the semi-arid             tions of acid brine evolution, just as variations in neutral and
climate of southern Western Australia, evaporation greatly effects              alkaline brines exist. More work from the range of different acid
lake waters and, to a lesser extent, shallow groundwaters.                      brine environments is required to build a brine evolution model
Evaporation drives off water from the acid saline brines, resulting             that fully encompasses the compositional and mineralogical range
in more concentrated liquids. This evapo-concentration decreases                produced by natural brines.
pH and increases salinity. During dry times, lake waters have pH
levels ~1–2 units lower than when the lakes are flooded. Likewise,                The Long-Lyons-Hines (2009) brine evolution model was based
shallow groundwaters have their lowest pH when the lakes are                    on the acid spring zones along the shorelines of Lake Tyrrell in
desiccated and shallow groundwater is evaporating. We have                      northwestern Victoria. Their model suggests a geochemical evolu-
observed these lowest pHs in lakes during late stages of evapo-                 tion starting with waters enriched in Ca and Mg, but depleted in
concentration (Benison et al., 2007; Bowen and Benison, 2009).                  HCO3. These waters precipitate gypsum (CaSO4 • 2H2O) and
In addition, laboratory experiments show that pH of moderately                  halite (NaCl), undergo sulfide oxidation and ferrolysis to become
acidic water decreases several pH units upon evaporation (Foster                acidified, and precipitate Fe-oxides, jarosite [KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6], and
and Benison, 2006; Long et al., 1992).                                          alunite [KAl3(SO4)2(OH)6]. The ending waters are Na-Mg-Cl-SO4
                                                                                acid brines (Long et al., 2009) (Fig. 4). We note that the general
  Recycling of acid waters may occur as part of flooding–evapo-                 water evolution is the same in southern Western Australia, as well
concentration–desiccation cycles (Lowenstein and Hardie, 1985;                  as, perhaps, throughout the continent. However, the Yilgarn
Benison et al., 2007). When halite and gypsum grow in the acid                  Craton acid brines present more complex compositions. For
lakes, they trap abundant acid fluid inclusions, which may                      example, some lakes have Al + Si + Fe > Ca + Mg + K (Bowen and
compose up to ~30%–40% by volume halite and ~10%–20% by                         Benison, 2009). Some acid brines have unusually high Al and/or
volume gypsum. When lakes flood and the halite and gypsum                       Si (up to 8,017 ppm Al and up to 13,300 ppm Si), but low Fe (0–10
dissolve (halite at a much greater rate than gypsum), the acid fluid            ppm), and some have high Fe (up to 459 ppm), but lower Al and/
inclusions are released. Although this may be a small addition by               or Si. There are also temporal and spatial variations in major ions
volume to the water, it likely contributes to the lowering of the               at individual lakes. Because of this complexity and variability of
water pH after flooding.                                                        water chemistry and mineral precipitation and dissolution, no one
                                                                                brine evolution pathway can be designated for the Western
  The high degree of weathering of Archean rocks of the Yilgarn                 Australian acid brines (Fig. 4). Figure 5 presents a flow chart that
Craton has resulted in little buffering capacity. The result may be             depicts our general understanding of the geological and geochem-
                                                                                ical evolution for the Yilgarn Craton of Western Australia, based
                                                                                on observations published in Benison et al. (2007), Benison and
                                                                                Bowen (2013), Bowen and Benison (2009), and Bowen et al.
                                                                                (2013). We hypothesize that a transition from a warm and wet to a
                                                                                warm and dry climate promoted the early chemical weathering
                                                                                and late evaporation, oxidation, and acidification. Warm and wet
                                                                                weathering in the Tertiary would have greatly decreased the buff-
                                                                                ering minerals (Long and Lyons, 1992). Later arid climate would
                                                                                have decreased the water:rock ratio, as well as enhanced concen-
                                                                                tration of solutes, increasing the salinity. Laboratory experiments

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