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origin of the acidity is likely sulfuric acid, with subsequent production of hydrochloric                   The Yilgarn Craton contains granite-               GSA TODAY |
and bromic acids (Benison and Bowen, 2013).                                                                 gneiss complexes and greenstone belts,
                                                                                                            which are deformed, faulted, and show a
  The acid saline lakes and groundwaters are hosted by Archean rocks of the Yilgarn                         range of metamorphic alteration and
Craton and a thin, laterally discontinuous cover of sediment and sedimentary rock.                          various degrees of physical and chemical
                                                                                                            weathering. These rocks are mined locally
Figure 2. Photos of acid brine-influenced landscapes, rocks, and sediments in southern Western              for gold, iron, nickel, copper, lead, zinc,
Australia. (A) Highly weathered outcrop near Leonora. (B) Altered granite in Hyden containing yellow        aluminum, uranium, and rare earth
and orange jarosite iron oxide and sulfate minerals. (C) Dry lake and surrounding sand flat east of         elements, and some ore concentrations are
Norseman. (D) Acid brine lake with white halite and yellow water near Salmon Gums. (E) Cross section        related to migration of the acid brines
of shallow sand flat sediment adjacent to acid brine lake southwest of Norseman. Note mottles of iron       (Lawrance, 2001). Archean outcrops are
oxides, jarosite, and alunite. (F) Cross section of sand dune composed of iron oxide–coated gypsum          found under and adjacent to some lakes
grains near Merredin. (G) Cross section of acid sulfate soil near Toodyay. (H) Cross section of iron oxide  and in direct contact with some modern
concretions in recent sandstone near Kellerberrin.                                                          lake water. Localized “regolith” (i.e., highly
                                                                                                            weathered Archean rock) has preserved
                                                                                                            some igneous and metamorphic textures
                                                                                                            from the precursor rock. However, its
                                                                                                            mineralogy includes Fe-oxides, kaolinite,
                                                                                                            and quartz, which are suggestive of altera-
                                                                                                            tion by acid saline waters (Fig. 2) (Bowen
                                                                                                            et al., 2013). Thin Eocene–Quaternary
                                                                                                            sandstones, lignites, and rare carbonates
                                                                                                            are found up to 100 m deep in paleoc­ hannel
                                                                                                            basins (Clarke, 1993, 1994; Clarke et al.,
                                                                                                            1996). Thin recent sandstones and iron-
                                                                                                            stones are found along the shorelines of
                                                                                                            some acid saline lakes. Modern clastic
                                                                                                            sediments include quartz sand and
                                                                                                            reworked evaporites. Acid lake waters
                                                                                                            precipitate halite, gypsum, hematite,
                                                                                                            kaolinite/halloysite, and rare opaline silica
                                                                                                            (Fig. 2). Acid groundwaters precipitate a
                                                                                                            suite of displacive crystals and early cements
                                                                                                            in the surface and shallow subsurface sedi-
                                                                                                            ments. These very early digenetic minerals
                                                                                                            include halite, gypsum, hematite, goethite,
                                                                                                            jarosite, alunite, rozenite, gibbsite, kaolinite/
                                                                                                            halloysite, dickite, and hydrobasaluminute
                                                                                                            (Fig. 2) (Benison et al., 2007; Bowen et al.,
                                                                                                            2012; Story et al., 2010).

                                                                                                              Neutral saline lakes in southern Western
                                                                                                            Australia are the anomaly here (Fig. 1).
                                                                                                            Some also have adjacent neutral ground-
                                                                                                            waters and overlie paleochannels,
                                                                                                            suggesting buffering of regional acid
                                                                                                            groundwaters by rare Eocene limestones at
                                                                                                            depth. Other neutral lakes are underlain
                                                                                                            by acid or moderately acid groundwaters.
                                                                                                            The larger neutral lakes may have a greater
                                                                                                            ratio of meteoric runoff relative to acid
                                                                                                            groundwaters. Other neutral lake waters
                                                                                                            are separated by mud from acid ground­
                                                                                                            waters, effectively making the neutral lake
                                                                                                            a perched meteoric water table.

                                                                                                              Acid saline groundwater is widespread
                                                                                                            and seeps into most lakes to contribute to
                                                                                                            their unusual chemistry. The overarching
                                                                                                            question is: How did the extreme acidity
                                                                                                            form here?

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